Opposite of Careful

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I laid in bed thinking of what Robin said. It made me nervous. How am I supposed to go about telling Mr. Wayne I know he is Batman? It wouldn't look good either. I am not on my best behavior when he is wearing the cowl. Maybe I could try to make an appointment with him while we are at Wayne Enterprises.

At least, Lil' D said he approved. It felt very sudden to hear it especially when he called me a harlot the other day, but I am glad.


"Mari, why did we have to get up so early? The sun isn't even out yet," Kim complained.

"You'd probably be able to spot the real Batman still out," Alix added.

"I need photos of everyone's outfits. I think it is better that they are done in the morning than when we get back from our trip."

"It's not truly morning though," Nino pointed out with a yawn.

"The Bats don't usually work in the daylight. Well expect for Signal. Having the darkness in the background adds personality to the photos. Now come on everyone. Let's head to the roof. I'll start with Batman and then work my way down in the order the members joined Batman's crusade."

"Ok where do you want me?" Kim asked.

"The GCPD blimp is about to slowly pass by. I want to have one photo of everyone with it in the background. Same goes for the Batsignal that is still on."

The photoshoot lasted about an hour. I wanted to be able to upload the photos on my MDC social media before we left.

"Pictures came out great. Thanks Batfam," I said after shutting my laptop.

"That doesn't sound like something Red Hood would say," Adrien said pulling down his black hood.

"I feel like Bucket has a soft spot for his family even if he has attacked them several times."


For once we got there early without Lila being the cause. In an email from Mr. Wayne, it was advised to come in a bit early due to security being a little tighter. Wonder which big bad has something up their sleeve.

I was talking with the head security about what exactly is in our utility belts. Obviously we weren't carrying around weapons. Just snacks and other small things. The 'guns' I had were just water guns that I totally wasn't planning on shooting at the sheep whenever they were being stupid or annoying. I'd run out of water way too fast.

After everything was cleared up, I turned to head to my friends who were sword fighting with Nightwing's Escrima Sticks. I started to head their way when I heard quickly paced footsteps coming into the lobby from outside. I knew those footsteps from anywhere. Jason.

When he entered the lobby, Jason looked around about to jump past security, but that's when he noticed me.

"So what's the rush?" I asked as he came my way.

"I got very important information that I need to share with B right away," he replied.

"And here I thought you came to see me."

"Well maybe I made sure to come in before your tour started in hopes of seeing you."

"Glad to hear it Jay Jay," I took another step forward but the stupid helmet attached to my hip bumped into him.

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