Spilling the Beans

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I walked in the hotel my lips still tingling from the kiss. I don't have many to compare it to but it was the best kiss ever. Nothing else mattered during that brief moment.

"BUG!" I heard someone yell knocking my down from cloud nine.

"What?" I replied.

"I've been calling your name for the past minute, but you were in some trance," Adrien said.

"I just got back from a date so yeah I was in a trance." We started making our way to the elevator, so there was a more private place to talk.

"Oh I saw that kiss. It was the type of kiss you wouldn't expect to happen on a first date and only knowing the other person for a couple days."

"It was the type of kiss that I didn't want to end. It felt so right. I know we haven't known each other long, so it all seems rushed. However, there is no timeline for relationships.

"Who said anything about a relationship? You're going out on another date aren't you?"

"You saw the kiss. You could tell there was something there. A small spark if that's what you want to call it. I want to explore that spark and learn more."

"You sound so cheesy," Plagg said peaking out of Adrien's shirt.

"It's romantic Plagg," Tikki told him flying out of my purse.

"You two need to hide until we are in the room," I instructed them as I took the key card from my purse. "As for you," I started looking at Adrien "you need to go to bed. I'll tell you all the details the same time as everyone else. I want to keep them to myself at the moment."

I closed the door before Adrien could enter. For once, the boys were actually going to sleep in their suite. "Oh Tikki, I wish I could relive tonight."

Instead of going to the bathroom to change into clothes to sleep in, I went to the window that led to the roof. I had a feeling someone dressed in red and black would be on a rooftop nearby.

Jason's POV

I could hardly think straight as I got ready to go out on patrol. She was the only thing on my mind. Marinette what have you done to me?

I left my safe house and let my body take me wherever. My mind was too consumed with thoughts of Marinette and our date tonight. Damn Bruce for interrupting it causing it to end sooner. I wasn't even able to show her around the city.

Before I knew it, I was on the rooftop across from Wayne Hotel. Guess I was led to the person I was thinking about. Looking ahead, I saw a figure sneak out of the window and heading to the roof. Marinette.. Looks like we both had the same idea. It wouldn't hurt to talk to her again maybe seeing what's on her mind.

I jumped over landing feet to her left.

"Hey Red," Marinette said with a smile.

"Hey," was all I could say. The lights from the city almost made her eyes twinkle, and the slight breeze blew her hair behind her. Marinette was still in her beautiful outfit from the date.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here, or are you just going to stare at me?"

"You caught my attention when I noticed you on the roof once more."

"I'm starting to think you are my stalker. No Nightwing this time?"

"No Adrien this time?"

"Nah, I sent him to bed. He was reluctant to do so since he wanted to hear all about my date. I promised to tell him tomorrow with the rest of my friends."

"You had a date?" Maybe I could pester Marinette and see how she felt about it.


"No. I'm just surprised since you've only been in Gotham for less than a week."

"This is going to sound cheesy, but I don't think that really matters. It only matters how both of us felt. I'm glad he asked me out. I really want to know the guy. "

"And who is this mystery guy?"

"Jason Todd..."

"What made you want to know the guy?"

"I feel like I'm getting interrogated."

"I'm just curious."

"I would say curiosity killed the cat, but you'd only reply with satisfaction brought him back. Might as well get the questions over with. I'm not exactly sure why I wanted to know him. Something drew me to Jason, so I started flirting a bit."

"So I'm not the only guy you flirt with? Ouch," I joked

"Is it weird to say that you remind me of him? I can't explain it though. Anyways, I didn't expect for him to flirt back. I thought he'd just roll his eyes or something. I mean I'm probably not the first girl who has flirted with him, yet he did it back. The teasing continued and then he caught me off guard. Jason asked me on a date, and inside I was jumping for joy. Kinda weird since I haven't known him for long."

"Well, it's just like you said. That doesn't matter. It only matters how you feel and by the sound of it you seem head over heels."

"I wouldn't say that, but Jason does make me feel special. On our date, it was like I was the only thing that mattered. Everything happening in other parts of our life weren't even on our mind."

"So how would you rate the date?"

"I'm not a fan of the rating system, but I will say that I was upset that it had to end early."

"It ended early?"

"Your dad had to ruin it."

"My dad?"

"The Big Bat. I mean you were the second Robin, and everyone knows like the Dynamic Duo is like father and son."

"How... How do you know that?"

"How do I know that you died and got brought back to life? How I know that your life was taken from you too young due to your life as Robin?"

I was speechless. Only my family knows all that. I can't be too surprised though. Somehow, Marinette knew I was Bruce's ward even though to the rest of the world I am still dead.

"What else do you know?"

"If you are asking if I know who you are under that mask, I have theories. Those theories are going to be a secret though. I only know all that because I looked into those who protect Gotham. If my class is going to be in Crime City, then I need to know as much as I can about how the 'Bat Fam' works. You'd do the same if you were to step foot in Paris."

"What do you mean by that? We would know if something big is happening in Paris."

"Not if we have a strong security system that not even Oracle or Red Robin can get through."

I was about to ask another question but was cut off when Marinette put her hand up.

"I have said too much. Paris thrives on tourism, and if certain things get out.. Well let's just say Paris would fall more than it already has. I better head to bed. Do what you want with the information I gave you, but I ask that you don't share it."

With that Marinette walked over to the stairs. What does that all mean? Paris is in danger and no one knows. What kind of danger? How bad is it? Is that the reason Marinette appears exhausted at times?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Bruce's voice.

"You need to come to the cave. We need to talk about tonight."

School is so exhausting and time consuming. Due to that, I haven't been able to write much. I'm gonna take a nap now. Night night.

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