Gotham Here We Come

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Throughout the month, Mr. Wayne and I have been making a schedule that would include both educational activities along with feeling like a break. I tried to include things that everyone included Lila and her sheep would like.

Our touch up on English was quite easy since we already had a trip to New York for Friendship Week. The only annoying part of those classes was of course Lila. She went on about not needing to be there since she was fluent in English and several other languages. She was supposedly only doing them to protect her sheep from the bullies.

I think it's obvious that during Friendship Week there was nothing about Marinette and Adrien getting together. Instead it was more action packed. Chloe wasn't there with the class. She was still with her mom. Unlike the movie, Lila was there making up stories about how she knew all the superheroes. The main story line was Marinette and Adrien learning more about the miraculous boxes that are out in the world.

As for the akumas, they've been getting worse. The number of bodies I've seen is horrible. Adrien and I have been working on our plan to investigate his father. I can tell it's having a horrible impact on him. A part of me wishes that I didn't tell him, but Adrien and I don't keep things from each other. Although it doesn't feel completely right, the rest of the team doesn't know what Adrien and I are doing. I respect his wishes on keeping it between us.

As for our research on Gotham and it's heroes and villains, Adrien and I know more than we probably should. We tried so hard to avoid finding out everyone's identity, but once you start putting two and two together, it's hard to stop.

~A little flashback~

Adrien and I were in Master Fu's old studio. We decided to make it the base of our operation since no one else knows about this place. While I was researching the Wanyes, Adrien was looking up information on the Bat Family. I knew for a fact that the Waynes had done research on our class, so it was only fair we did the same.

"Hey Adrien, do you have the timeline for when each member of the team joined?" I asked.

"Of course. I should warn you that it is a long and messy one since there are so many people. Why do you ask?" Adrien questioned.

"I know we said we wouldn't try to find out who is all behind the mask, but I think I may solved the case."

I grabbed my stack of information on the Waynes and walked over to Adrien to look at his research. I compared our timelines and everything made sense. Adrien was looking over my  shoulder reading the same information.

"So the Waynes are the Bats?"

"I mean the builds are similar. Same goes for the timeline."

So this is just a small summary of the bat boys just for those who may not know a ton about DC and Batman

After the death of Richard Grayson's parents, Bruce Wayne took him in. Not long after, the first Robin comes in to help Batman. He has the same acrobatic skills that Grayson would have during his time at the Flying Graysons. He was Robin for quite sometime before leaving Gotham and becoming Nightwing. Jason Todd was the second ward Bruce Wayne took in. He grew up in the streets for most of his life. Looking at the fighting skills of the second Robin, you can see how it is more aggressive compared to Richard. The same time that Jason is said to have died, the second Robin disappears. Batman became more aggressive until the third Robin or Tim Drake stood by his side. The death of a son would have that affect on Batman. Bruce didn't take in Tim right away since he already had a family. It wasn't until Tim's father passed that he became a Wayne. Around that time, a new vigilante by the name of Red Hood appeared in Gotham. Behind the mask is Jason Todd. Once Damian was announced to be Bruce Wayne's son, there was a new Robin with Tim becoming Red Robin. 

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