Ice Queen

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I walked into the hotel and immediately was surrounded around my friends.

"I'm so glad you're back," Nath said.

"We tried to get Mrs. Bustier to wait, but she wouldn't listen," said Nino.

"I swear she's ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous."

"She seriously needs to get fired," Kim stated.

"How'd you get here so fast?" Adrien asked.

"Jason gave me a ride," I said looking down. My face felt hot meaning I was blushing. I have no idea why though.

"Oh my God! You're blushing!" Alix exclaimed.

"Am not!"

"Bug, you're blushing so bad. You're also overheating," Adrien said as he put his hand in my forehead.

"I hate you all."

Before anyone could respond, our phones went off. Akuma.

"Quickly go to the girl's room. We need a private area to transform and portal over. Luka and Kagami should be fighting already," I instructed.

We were only moments away from the room, when Mrs. Bustier stopped us.

"Marinette, could I talk to you?" she asked.

"I'm about to be on an important call that I can't afford to miss," I lied.

"I just wanted to talk about your actions at the gardens. I had several students come forward expressing how they felt that you were endangering their lives by talking to Poison Ivy."

God this woman isn't giving up. "First, her name is Ivy. While in the past, she has committed crimes, but she did her time. She has changed her life for the better. I can safely say you have also changed your life but it's far from the better. Instead of doing a head count, you listened to another student who has been caught in lies before. I was left behind and one of Mr. Wayne's sons had to drive me back. I'm curious what he has to say about that. Now if you'll excuse, I have important calls one of which with be with Mr. Wayne."

I slammed the door shut behind me and saw everyone already transformed.

"Damn Mari. Look at you go telling Mrs. Bustier off! I'm so proud of you. It's like my little girl is all grown up." Kim said pretending to cry.

"Well this 'little girl' has some ass kicking to do. Let's get going."

I transformed and opened a portal to Paris.

"Good God..." I heard Nath whisper under his breath.

"Don't worry. I'll fix everything. Luka and Kagami are at the tower."

Paris was frozen over. Bodies were huddled together to keep warm, but it was too late. The cold got to them and by the looks of it fast.

"Everyone needs to upgrade. It will help us move across the ice and keep warm," I heard Cat say. It's like he read my mind.

The closer we got the the city center, the worse the view became. Those who appeared to still be alive would die before we even got close to them. The pain they must be in. The fear was written all over their face. They'll forget everything. It's times like this when I hate fighting Stormy Weather. Well I always hate fighting her.

Ok so I'm really bad at writing fight scenes. We're just gonna do a small time skip.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I yelled throwing my lucky charm into the air. 

People came back to life. Lucky for them all they'll remember is the akuma and running to shelter. Any cameras that were used will have the footage altered. The only ones left with memories are me and my team. The exhaustion in their eyes could been seen from miles away. Two simple words will make all the pain go way.

"Pound it!" the team exclaimed. Their memories were now altered as well. I feel bad for tempering with them especially when they asked me not to, but who would want to have those memories lingering in the back of their mind?

I looked over at Cat, and he gave me a nod. The both of us looked like shit now. The weight of everyone's memories were now only getting carried by us.

"Ladybug! Is there a chance you could answer some questions that everyone in Paris is asking?"

I put on my best smile and turned to the camera. "If it will help put peoples' minds at ease, I can answer a few," I replied not liking all the cameras in my face. Almost done and then I have a date with my bed.

"Citizens have noticed a lack of your presence the last week. Care to comment?"

"Everyone on the team takes turns patrolling. There are times we are out together though."

"Is there an explanation on your late arrival to the attack?"

"Under our masks, we are normal people. Sometimes it takes a moment to safely transform, but no matter what we are here to help. We must be getting going. Have a safe rest of your day. Bug out!"

We all ran off meeting at our building. "You all did great today," I told everyone.

"Thank you for getting on the scene so quickly you two," Cat said looking at Luka and Kagami.

"We better head back. No offense, but I hope there is a long time gap from when we have to see you all again," Nino said walking through the portal I just opened.

Once everyone is through, the portal closed behind us.

"I don't know how you deal with all those stupid questions with a smile on your face," Chloe said before faceplanting on her bed.

"'Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave.' repeats through my head. Plus I've been doing this longer than I've wanted. Now detransform and get ready for bed everyone. I have a date with my bed, and I don't want to be late," I said feeling the magic disappear as Tikki appeared.

"I thought you were doing to say a date with Jason," Alix teased before heading into the bathroom.

"I hate you all."

Sorry for not updating recently. I spent a lovely few days sick in the ER. More Jasonette in the next chapter.

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