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~Adrien's POV~

It had been a little over an hour since we all gave Marinette and Jason a moment to talk. Honestly, I was a little surprised they already exchanged I love yous. Guess Marinette is a Disney princess with how soon she fell in love.

I borrowed Chloe's room key to get Marinette so we could all get something to eat. I poked my head in but didn't see her at her sewing machine where I assumed she would be.

"Hey Marinette, we're going to Big Belly Burger for dinner. You coming?" I called out but got no response. "Bug?" Still nothing.

I walked in to find her on the couch with Jason. They were cuddled up sleeping. It was the most relaxed I have seen her since we came to Gotham.

I had to debate whether or not to wake the two up. Obviously, Marinette would be grumpy if she woke up to find we got food without her. However, she looked so peaceful.

"Tikki," I whispered.

"They're so cute," Tikki commented flying over to me.

"Yeah. He really makes her happy."

"Why do you sound sad?"

"I feel selfish right now. Hell, I might even be a little jealous. I love that she is happy and found someone who makes her feel special, but what if she doesn't need me anymore."

"She'll always need you Adrien."

"I am scared though. Before we came to Gotham, it was my job to keep her safe. I'm no longer needed. God, I am selfish."

"You two literally cannot survive without each other. Not just because of the connection the miraculous gave you. In all my years, I have never seen such a strong relationship."

"I feel like you're just saying all this to make me feel better. Just telling me what I want to hear."

"For someone so smart, you're an idiot," I heard Marinette grumble.

"How much did you hear?"

"I was up the moment you mentioned food."

"You sound like Plagg."

"And you sound like an idiot." By now Marinette had gotten out of Jason's arms and began walking over.

"No I sound selfish."

"Oh Kitty... Tikki was right when she said I'll always need you. You're irreplaceable. No guy could take your place in my life."


"No buts. We're found family, and there's nothing stronger than that."

"Are we getting food or what?" Plagg asked poking his head out of my shirt.

"Yeah. I just need to tell Jay we're leaving."

"He's not coming?" I asked.

"No. He needs to get things set up with Bruce."

"What's that supposed to mean? It's too early to worry about the fittings."

"The toxin is still in my system, so the Bat is coming tonight to give me the antidote," Marinette confessed.

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