We're Going to the Zoo

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Jason's POV

I sat on the couch of my safe house thinking back on what happened today. It all involved Marinette. That girl is something else. She's got a secret, and I'm determined to find out. Why does Marinette always stop mid sentence? What is she hiding?

Also is she dating Adrien? The two seem really close as if they have bonded over something big. One could not exist without the other. They probably sleep in the same bed half the time. But if they were dating then why was Marinette flirting with me? Adrien doesn't seem to be the type of guy who would date someone like that. I can't know for sure since I've only had one conversation with the guy. Is Marinette just a big flirt and Adrien knows that? No guy would want to be with someone who flirts with other men. I'm confused over their dynamic, but that doesn't mean that I care if they are dating. It's not like I feel any butterflies when I'm close to Marinette or blush at her flirty remarks. I don't sit on my couch thinking about her...

You know I'm gonna tag along tomorrow. Technically I don't have to, but I have some research to do. Gotham Zoo here I come.

Marinette's POV

Who knew a stupid guy could keep you up? I'm not talking about Adrien with his dumb questions. Jason Peter Todd and our interactions kept me up. There won't be anymore since his 'babysitting duties' are over. I refuse to admit it out loud, but I'll kind of miss him. I enjoyed our short time together. Jason was a lot of fun to tease and flirt with. There's nothing more to our relationship than being barley friends.

I got out of bed before everyone else like usual. We weren't doing anything big for outfits. Today was only small accessories or in Chloe's case hair dye. Due to my conversation with Ivy yesterday, I decided to wear a necklace with a marigold. I don't care what anyone has to say, Ivy really has changed and is great once you get to know her. I wish Harley was there to see Chloe's outfit. She would have been jumping for joy.

Not only did getting up early give me extra time to get ready, I also got to finish the last of my sketches. After spending all this time with the Waynes, I may have put in extra love and work than most of my designs. I swear I'm not bias.

~Time Skip~

We started walking to the entrance of the zoo were I was supposed to get the prepaid admission tickets. To my surprise I saw Jason. Next to him was Dick and a large group. Getting a closer look it was the entire Wayne family including Mr. Wayne himself.

"Oh God," I muttered.

"What's wrong?" Nino asked with concern.

"The entire Wayne family including Mr. Wayne is by the entrance. This is going to be a nightmare due to Lila and her huge mouth."

"Well shit," Adrien said.

"Wish me luck," I nervously said as I walked up to the Wayne family who were talking amongst themselves.

"I swear to God if you touch me one more time Drake, I will kill you and make it look like an accident," a young boy threatened.

"Damian, you can't say things like that. We are in public and soon to be with the French class," Dick scolded.

I cleared my throat getting their attention. I may have been imagining things, but it looked like Jason perked up a bit at the sight of me. Stop it Marinette. You need to be focused.

"Ms. Dupain Cheng, it's great to finally met you in person," Mr. Wayne said holding out his hand.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Wayne," I replied shaking his hand. "I hope this doesn't come off rude, but what are you and your entire family doing here? I thought it was going to be two at a time."

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