Ask Away

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~Jason's POV~

"While the memories may be gone, the love would still be there," echoed in my head slowly getting quieter.

I let out a loud gasp as I was brought back to reality. I was still on the GCPD blimp with Marinette sitting across from me. I stared at her waiting for her to wake up as well. Seconds went by, but her state didn't change.

"Marinette? Pixie?" I said trying to bring her back.

Nothing. Her eyes were still closed and it looked as if she was about to completely collapse. Before her head could hit the blimp, I pulled her into my lap. Her pulse was weak.

"Shit... What do I do?" I asked out loud. "I can't take her to the cave to have Alfred look at her. Her friends would attack me if I brought her to the hotel passed out. There's my apartment, but I don't know how she would feel to wake up there."

"Take her there," a small voice said.

I looked around to figure out where and who it was coming from. I thought Marinette and I were completely alone.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"All will be explained, but we can't do it out in the open. Take her to your apartment where she can rest."

"I have no clue who and where you are, but I am putting my trust in you."

I scooped Marinette up into my arms and carefully carried her to my apartment. This whole night sucks. First Damian insults her at dinner. She runs off and is taken back to the hotel by Alfred. Then I find her on a blimp cursing the world. Now Marinette is passed out in my arms and a voice is telling me to take her to my apartment.

I gently landed on the fire escape and opened my window.

"Ok, we are here. Will you reveal yourself and tell me what's going on?" I asked out loud.

"Lay her down first. The two of us will meet you in the kitchen."

Wanting answers as soon as possible, I carefully laid Marinette in my bed pulling my blanket over her. Although she still was asleep, she gave a cute grin.

I paced around unsure what to do next. The girl I am falling for passed out after telling me a story and is now laying in my bed. There are two unknown people or creatures telling me what to do. Her friends are probably worried sick about her but I was instructed not to go them.

"Would you stop pacing and come into the kitchen?" The voice was different than the one from before.

I cautiously walked into my kitchen ready to face the unknown. I looked around, but saw no one there.

"It is nice to finally meet you Jason," the first voice said.

"It would be nice to meet you too if I knew where you are," I responded.

I heard a small giggle. "We're on the kitchen table."

I looked over to see two small creatures floating with their big eyes staring at me.

"What are you?" I questioned.

"We are kwamis," the small red one answered.

"Are you sure we should even be doing this?" the small grey one said.

"Marinette trust him. She is the guardian, so I trust her judgement."

I continued walking towards the table and sat in my normal seat.

"Kwamis?" I said looking them up and down. The red one appeared to be some sort of bug with the other resembling a horse. "What are your names?"

"I am Tikki and this is Kaalki."

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