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~Damian's POV~

Once the door slammed shut, I felt all eyes on me.

"Tut, Todd is acting like an idiot. His emotions are going to get the best of him," I started.

"Stop," Father said almost making it sound like a command.

"What? He is going to go into a fight without thinking clearly and will end up getting someone hurt."

"I told you to stop Damian."

"For once since he has come back to us, Jason is truly happy, and it is all because of Marinette," Grayson said.

"Dick is right. She is having a positive impact on his life and if you continue acting this way, Jason might lose her. Due to your actions tonight, you are benched from patrol until further notice," Father instructed.

Me benched? Is Father out of his mind? Surely he wouldn't do something like that over one simple question. I wanted to argue but the look on his face told me not to.

"For the first time ever, Todd is right. This family is stupid," I mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear as I got out of my seat.

I went to my room so I could be around the only reasonable being besides Pennyworth, Titus. When I opened the door, I saw him on the bed asleep.

"Why did I even get you a dog bed?" I asked Titus out loud as I scratched behind his ear. I got slobber on my face as a response causing me to smile. "The name Murder King never seemed to fit you. I still think it is a brilliant name, but there are times when you are too kind and gentle to have a name such as that."

Still petting Titus, I laid on my bed thinking about what Dupain-Cheng said earlier. She is out of her mind to think I was asking such a question in order to secretly look out for Todd. Sure, the two of us are on better terms than we were a few years ago. That does not mean I would get myself benched from patrol just so I know he is with someone who will care about him and treat him well.

Would it be so bad if she was right?

~Jason's POV~

Damn this place for being so big. I want to know if Marinette is truly ok after what Demon Spawn said. I swear that kid has a death wish at times. You would think his time with the league would make him smarter. Instead, it left him with horrible social skills.

I made my way through the mansion but stopped in my tracks by the library.

"Ready to go Kitty," I heard a faint voice say.

Marinette! I opened the door only to find no one there. Am I hearing things?

"Master Jason," I heard Alfred call out behind me.

"Do you know where Marinette went?" I asked before he could say anything else.

"Her and Master Adrien are heading to the limo so I can take them back to the hotel. I quickly came back inside to I could grab something."

"Could I please come with you? After what was pulled at dinner, I need to make sure she is alright."

"I am afraid that isn't the best idea at the moment. She is a little distressed, but it has nothing to do with Master Damian. It is personal. You need not to worry. Master Adrien is with her right now. I better get going."

As I watched Alfred walk away, I let out a long sigh before sinking to the floor. Marinette won't want anything to do with me after learning what my family is like. Maybe I should visit her tonight to make sure everything is alright.

Next chapter is going to be longer. I promise. I also wanted to thank everyone for the love and support. Since winter break is going to be here soon, I'll be able to update more. Let's just say college sucks (don't let that discourage you from going if that was your plan). I'm in an advanced writing class which is killing me. Social work is an important field but damn I need a nice break. Anyway I'm done with my college rant. Just be excited for the next chapter. Now time for a Psyx exam. Wish me luck.

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