First Day in Gotham

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I'm not sure why but this chapter was so hard to write. I had an outline but words weren't flowing.

The plane ride to Gotham was uneventful for the most part. Being the matchmakers that we are, Adrien and I got Nino and Chloe to spend some alone time together. The woman working the ticket counter may have said something about not switching seats, but Adrien getting Nino's ticket was completely on accident.

While everyone in the group was in their own world or hanging out, Adrien and I were in the front looking at a couple of Fu's tablet. Hawkmoth has the original decoded copy Fu made, but luckily we have one of our own. As we discussed our plan, Adrien and I used Guardian language. No one else would be able to understand, and it wouldn't feel so secretive.

"Do you think you can get a copy of your father's schedule?" I asked Adrien.

"I'll have to get my hands on Nathalie's tablet. She doesn't go anywhere without it, so it's gonna be difficult," Adrien replied.

"Does she keep your schedule on it as well?"

"My schedule is on there as well. So what if I ask to see it, and while I'm 'looking' I bug it. You've gotten good at computers right?"

"I have. Before Max left, I got some lessons from him. Once he was gone, I continued studying on my own. But how will you get your hands on the tablet when we are six hours away?"

"Do you think we can wait until then?"

"The sooner the better. If our theory is proven correct and it is him, then we'd need time to create a plan to defeat Hawkmoth. Waiting a month to prove we are right is a lot of time."

"You're right LB, but how else can we get our hands on it?"

I thought for a moment thinking of anything. "We can't. We'll use this month to make a tight plan on getting the information and how we would act on it. Maybe even develop a rough draft on how to defeat Hawkmoth altogether."

I was about to continue on when I noticed the gang staring at us. "What?" I asked going back to French.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nino questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"What's so secretive that you two are speaking in another language?" Chloe added on.

"I think I heard the word Hawkmoth in your discussion," Nath pointed out.

I looked at Adrien. He put his head down looking all sad. Ok cover story number one. All the details in the story are true. Nothing is made up. It's just not exactly what we were talking about.

"You're right. We were talking about Hawkmoth," I said looking down at my lap.

"What about him?" Kim asked.

"He is becoming deadlier," Adrien answered.

"Are you talking about how he has his victims do things like turn others to stone?" Alix asked.

"No. It's much worse than that," I told them.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Chloe.

I looked Adrien in the eye. I didn't want to ever tell them this. I don't know their reaction.

"His victims have taken others lives..."

"People have actually died?" Kim asked.

"Yeah," Adrien replied.

"Then how does no one know? How don't we know? If we are fighting all these battles, wouldn't we have memories of it?" Nino questioned.

"My miraculous cure... It erases peoples' memories. No one recalls dying or seeing someone die. I take away those dark memories away from everyone including you guys."

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