Good Faith

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The news of Lady Laena's untimely demise spread through Driftmark like wildfire, casting a somber shadow over the once vibrant halls. Laenys, still reeling from the shock of losing her sister, struggled to find solace in the midst of overwhelming grief. Her heart, already fractured by the revelation of their estranged connection, now bore the weight of irreparable loss.

Laena's tragic fate, a dragon rider's death in childbirth, left Laenys grappling with a myriad of emotions—grief, regret, and a profound sense of longing for the sister she felt she never truly knew. The sacrifice Laena had made, aware of the inevitable outcome, added a layer of solemn respect to the ache in Laenys's heart.

The funeral, a solemn affair befitting a dragonrider of House Velaryon, was held on the windswept beaches of Driftmark. The greens and the blacks, embroiled in their ongoing conflict, set aside their differences to pay their respects. Even the King himself, his once formidable presence now marred by illness and decay, stood among the mourners, a grim reminder of the passage of time and the toll it exacted.

Laenys stood alone on the sandy shore, her eyes fixed on the horizon where the sea met the sky, a vast expanse mirroring the depth of her sorrow. Her pale purple eyes, usually filled with determination and ambition, now reflected only the emptiness left by Laena's absence. The thunderous rumble in the distance seemed to echo the storm raging within her soul.

Her gaze shifted to her cousin, Prince Daemon Targaryen, who stood apart from his daughters, the twins who had lost their mother so tragically. Daemon's solitary figure spoke of his own grief, his usually stoic demeanor betraying the pain he too harbored.

The soldiers of Driftmark dragged a wooden coffin carved with the Velaryon crest towards sea, Ser Vaemond Velaryon stood before them all reciting a speech in High Velaryian.

"We join together today at the Seat of the Sea, to commit the Lady Laena of House Velayron to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where he will guard her for all the days to come. As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore."

"Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will remain bound together in blood." Laenys looked up at her uncle, Vaemond. His eyes scanned over the crowd before they landed on her. "Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true."

His eyes snapped to Rhaenrya and her two eldest sons. A small flicker of panic settled in the princess's eyes, making Laenys notice. "And ours must never thin." He said rather assertively. "Are you quite done, uncle? My dearly departed sister might die twice by the time you're finished." Laenys said, causing Daemon to let out a loud chuckle.

Vaemond glared over at his niece who looked back with a dull expression. Once he was finished the soldiers finally pulled Laena's casket into the calmed waters, and it floated above the surface, dancing away into the sunset.

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