Toxic Fire

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After the lavish dinner, the echoes of strained relations lingered in the grand halls of the castle. Laenys, bracing herself for the aftermath, strode down the dimly lit corridors, anticipating a confrontation with Aemond. As she turned a corner, she caught sight of her husband, walking just ahead.

"Well...? Congratulations, Prince Aemond. You have made a spectacle of yourself," Laenys declared, her words a sharp opening note that halted Aemond in his tracks. The flickering candlelight adorned the castle walls, casting an ethereal glow on his silver-blonde hair. Slowly, he turned to face her, a single eye, fierce and penetrating, locked onto Laenys.

"I do not make a spectacle of myself without good reason, princess," Aemond retorted, each word measured and deliberate. He advanced toward her, the tension palpable in the air. Laenys, undeterred, seized the opportunity to pierce through the stoic exterior.

"What was the reason? Did Lucerys look at you funny?" Her words, dripping with sarcasm, stung like a barb. Aemond quickened his pace, taking hold of Laenys's face with a forceful grip, drawing her closer. The play of candlelight heightened the intensity of the moment.

"That bastard nephew of yours deserves to have his hand cut for the hell he and his brother put me through. Along with, Aegon. Those two Strong boys and my brother decided to tease me on not having a dragon well... the dragon is right here," Aemond hissed, his words seething with a venomous resentment. Laenys, resilient and unyielding, seized his hand, breaking the intimate proximity, and pushed him away.

"You are so bloodthirsty you cannot even realize what you are going to lose!" Laenys's voice echoed through the corridor, a crescendo of frustration. Stepping forward, she confronted him with an unwavering gaze. "Play with those boys like a cat with a mouse, but I swear to you. If something happens to my nephews, I will kill whoever was involved. There will be fire and blood." Her declaration hung in the air, a warning etched with a primal determination.

Aemond took a step up to her, her look of anger slightly tamed and he looked at her with a challenging expression. "You would challenge me, your dear husband?" He said tauntingly, his face now centimeters from hers. "If that is what it takes," Laenys said, now lowering her tone. He chose his brother and she chose her nephews, that was the price he had to pay.

Aemond examined her expression, his stomach now churned.

There it was, that fire he loved so much. That fire caused a craving to awaken in his body. His fingers ached with want, gods this was not the time to crave her.

"You would kill me...? Is that it...?" He asked, taking another step towards us, the tip of his nose grazed hers. Laenys could sense the tension, her hands clenched into a fist. Was he... aroused by this? "Without a thought." She said, practically whispering against his lips, testing the waters on how far she could go.

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