The Lord Of The Tides

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four years later...

Laenys was a full woman grown, now the age of 22. The past few years nothing had changed for the princess, but life certainly changed for everyone else. Rhaenrya had given birth to twin boys Aegon and Viserys about two years ago, and she was pregnant once more. She was only 6 months into the pregnancy so she only fashioned a slight bump under her robes.

Laenys and Aemond never visited Kingslanding again these past 4 years, but they did visit Driftmark occasionally, but the image of her still sleeping father only pained her more so she stopped showing her face.

The couple nearly stayed to themselves, their youthful energies dwindled into contentment for one another.

Laenys walked through the dragon pit, searching for any sign that Vhagar had laid an egg. These past few years Vhagar had gotten smitten with Vermithor the younger dragon, and it was safe to assume she had laid a clutch of eggs. Laenys's robes clung to her skin as she examined the cave that was dimly lit from the sky above.

She spotted a deep hole a few feet from her and she smiled softly. She could her deep growls in front of her and she looked to see Vhagar emerging from the shadows defensively. Laenys kneeled down and looked into hole to see 4 eggs laid there, snug in the dirt. She smiled brightly before looking back up at her.

"You have done well, girl. Four eggs! That is more than enough for our house." She said before taking the steaming eggs and placing it in her leather bag. She stood onto her feet and walked up to Vhagar, who fluttered her large wings. "Easy." She said in High Valryian. She smiled softly before placing a hand onto the dragon's snout. Vhagar made a satisfied sound before nudging her nose softly against Laenys's belly.

"Your Grace!" She heard Baelon her guard behind her which made her turn her head to look at the tall man. She smiled excited before walking up to the man. "Four eggs! Four! Do you know what this means for me and the prince?" She asked him, but the knight did not share his excitement, which made her smile disappear slowly.

"What is it?" She asked him. The man held out a scroll for her to read. "It is a message... from the Queen. But, we also received a message from your niece Baela." He said, Laenys began reading the writing the piece of parchment.


It has been long since your last appearance. Me, the Queen needs your aid, my daughter.

Your uncle Vaemond Velaryon seeks to claim his rightful seat as Lord of Driftmark, but there has been an obstacle in his way. The princess Rhaenrya.

Help me and you shall help your house.

Sincerely, the Queen Alicent Hightower.

Laenys rolled back up the scroll and looked at Baelor. "And what has my niece said?" She asked with a sigh. "Vaemond seeks to question Prince Lucerys' legitimacy again, which calls into question all your nephew's legitimacy." He said, making Laenys roll her eyes.

"Why is this my problem? Why can't Rhaenrya uphold her own right without me aiding her?" She said before looking down at her slippered feet. "You have two choices, your Grace. Choose what is right... not what is easy." He said, Laenys eyes trailed up to look at him.

"She killed my brother... how could I ever submit to someone who slaughters my own blood?" She spat, Baelor shrugged his shoulders. Laenys sighed before crumbling up the scroll in her hands. "Let Aemond know." She said. "To Kingslanding then?" He said. Laenys looked up at the sky.

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