Dreams Didn't Make Us Kings, Dragon's Did

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The flickering candlelight cast a warm yet melancholic glow in Princess Laenys Velaryon's bedchamber at Dragonstone. The sea breeze wafted through the partially opened window, carrying a mix of salt and sorrow. Laenys, clad in a flowing gown that gently embraced her growing belly, sat in a chair by the hearth, her thoughts echoing the ebb and flow of the waves outside.

As she cradled her stomach, Laenys traced delicate patterns on her rounded abdomen, feeling the presence of the life within. The room, usually filled with echoes of joy and anticipation, now held a solemn air as she grappled with the complex emotions that had woven themselves into the fabric of her existence.

"Aemond," she whispered the name a fragile prayer on her lips. Her eyes, once bright with anticipation, were now clouded with the grief of betrayal. The sound of the sea in her mind seemed to mimic the rhythmic heartbeat of her unborn child, a constant reminder of the bond she shared with the one innocent soul caught in the tempest of familial strife.

The flickering flames illuminated a piece of parchment on the table—a letter from Aemond. She hesitated before picking it up, unfolding the words that bore witness to his choice to fight for his family. A lump formed in her throat, and tears welled in her eyes as the reality of abandonment sank in.

"Oh, little one," she murmured to her unborn child as if sharing a secret between them.

As she held the letter against her chest, a mixture of grief and determination filled her gaze. She whispered words of solace to the child within, promising love and unwavering protection despite the shattered dreams that lay behind her. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows across the room, creating an atmosphere that mirrored the turmoil within her.

She clutched the parchment and the infant slippers, Aemond's heartfelt words echoing in her mind. Her gaze fixated on the portrait engraved on the amulet—the depiction of her and Aemond united in a moment frozen in metal. A bittersweet smile played on her lips, torn between the love she once knew and the betrayal that now overshadowed it.

As she traced her fingers over the delicate details of the carving, tears welled in her eyes. The profound sorrow and the remnants of a shattered bond clung to her, making it difficult to breathe. Laenys, once a fierce Velaryon princess, felt the vulnerability of a wounded heart.

Just as the room seemed to close in on her, the door creaked open, and a familiar voice cut through the silence. "Aunt Laenys," Jace's voice carried concern, and he entered the room with a cautious demeanor. He noticed the gifts in her hands and the pain etched on her face.

Laenys hastily wiped away a tear, not expecting anyone to witness her moment of vulnerability. "Jace," she managed to greet him, her voice trembling with unspoken emotions.

He approached her with a gentleness beyond his years, recognizing the sorrow in his aunt's eyes. "What's happened?" Jace asked, a mix of worry and empathy in his voice.

Laenys took a shaky breath, attempting to compose herself. "Your uncle... has decided where his loyalties lie," she confessed, her gaze dropping to the gifts in her hands.

Jace, understanding the gravity of the situation, sat beside her. "He gave you those, didn't he?" he inquired, gesturing to the parchment and the amulet. Laenys nodded, her eyes once again drawn to the depiction of their shattered love.

"I know you love him, Aunt Laenys," Jace said softly. "But sometimes, the people we love make choices that hurt us the most. It doesn't make you weak to feel the pain."

Tears welled in Laenys' eyes anew, and she looked at her nephew, grateful for his compassion. At that moment, as Jace offered a comforting embrace, Laenys found solace in the family that remained, a fleeting sanctuary in the midst of chaos.

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