Fire and Blood

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The hour was late and nearly everyone was asleep. Nearly everyone, except Laenys. She walked through the dark halls of the castle going straight to the chambers Ser Vaemond decided to put her father into. Why bring him? To further show that he is a right for Driftmark?

Laenys walked down a dim hall and she could see the princess Rhaenrya speaking with a Valyrian knight, she also wore her sleeping robes. Laenys looked at the princess as she slowly walked up to the two. Rhaenrya turned to look at Laenys before the truth welled in her throat once more.

She looked back at the knight. "Give her just a moment with me please." She whispered to him, the knight nodded his head before walking away, leaving them in silence. "What are you doing at my father's chambers?" Laenys asked the princess, her cousin walked up her and gently grabbed her hands again.

"It is time you knew the truth." She said, which made her Velaryon cousin even more confused than she already was. "Your brother..." She trailed off before glancing down at their hands clasped together. "Your brother did not wish for this life... and you and I know this better than anyone. So, me and him discussed that he should take his leave... He went across the narrow sea to Pentos, with his partner Ser Quarl." She said, Laenys eyes widened slightly and she blinked twice with utter disbelief.

"He's alive?" She asked hopefully. Rhaenrya smiled softly before nodding her head. "Yes, he is alive. I receive letters from him every so often but he is alive, Laenys." She said, rubbing the woman's arm comfortingly.

"He did not want to live this way, constantly pretending to be something he was not... and I do not blame him. So, we came to an agreement. But, no one must know of this... or this will ruin our family forever." She said, before cupping Laenys's face and placing a kiss on her forehead. She gave the Velaryon a motherly smile before walking away, leaving Laenys to her thoughts.

She should have known he would pull something like this, it was her brother. But... her dragon? Who killed Zafira? Laenys breathed in before pushing the thought into the back of her head. She walked up to the large door and opened it, creating a creak in her ears.

She saw her father resting on a large bed, his breathing heaved. He looked slightly worse than the last time Laenys had saw her but he seemed more responsive, he flinched at the sound of the door closing behind Laenys. She walked in and look at her father as he slept away, Laenys walked up to a chair that sat just in front of Lord Corylys bed.

"Who goes there?" Her father mumbled, which made Laenys stop in her tracks immediately. He talked? She opened her mouth hesitantly. "I... it is Laenys, father." She said, taking a seat in the chair. Her father stirred in him sleep, sweat formed on his temple. "Laenys...?" He said. Laenys smiled before placing a hand on his.

"Yes, it's me. I'm right here with you."

The man looked like he was fighting the sleep. He squeezed Laenys's hand tightly. "W..where have you gone...? All... all this time?" He asked her, making her eyes sting. She blinked through the rising tears.

"I could not stand to watch you die." She said softly to him before looking down at her lap. "You once told me it was our duty as Velaryon's to remain steadfast and unwavering when it came to problems which faced our house. You also told me to defend our own... that is why I protected Luke, Jace, and Joffrey, it was because of you." She said.

"Laenys..." Her father slurred his words.

"Laenys... my only child." He said, her eyes immediately watered. She leaned down to look at her father's face. "If you wish for your children to bare this burden then you must do the same. Fight for me... and my nephews." She said, as a tear spilled down her cheek. No answer came from his slips so she looked down with defeat. More tears fell from her eyes before she sniffed and stood onto her feet.

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