Princess of Dragonstone

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Princess Laenys prepared herself for the impending coronation, adorned in a gown that seamlessly blended white, blue, and gold, its near-silk fabric exuding an ethereal quality. Surrounding her, diligent servants meticulously inspected her hair, weaving intricate patterns and securing it in place. As she regarded her reflection in the mirror, the grandeur of the moment settled over her.

The King himself had orchestrated the coronation, mirroring the ceremony that once marked Rhaenrya's ascent. Lords from the Seven Kingdoms would pledge fealty to Laenys, recognizing her as a sovereign ruler deserving of their respect.

"Are you ready, your Grace?" inquired one of the King's female servants, her eyes admiring the exquisite train of Laenys's dress. With a nod, Laenys affirmed, "Yes. We are finished," prompting the servant to retreat. The final adjustments made, the surrounding attendants stepped back, allowing Laenys to emerge from her chambers.

As Laenys entered the dimly lit hallway, the reverence of the Driftmark knights flanking her was palpable. Their bowed heads and quiet footsteps emphasized the gravity of the moment. The corridor leading to the throne room seemed to stretch endlessly, each step echoing with the weight of her purpose.

The grand doors to the throne room swung open before her, revealing the opulence and solemnity within. The assembled lords and ladies from across the realm turned their attention towards her, their murmurs hushing as Laenys approached the Iron Throne, a symbol of power and authority.

The rhythmic echoes of drums reverberated through the chamber, underscoring the significance of the occasion. King Viserys, weakened yet resolute, sat upon the throne, flanked by his daughter Rhaenrya and his wife, the Queen, along with his other children—Aemond, Aegon, and Haelana—standing nearby.

Coming to a dignified halt, Laenys bowed deeply before the throne, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment of the weight of the moment. King Viserys, his voice carrying the weight of his royal decree, proclaimed, "According to my word, the Lady Laenys Velaryon shall be given the title of Princess of Dragonstone. So she shall now be addressed as... Princess Laenys Velaryon, Lady of Driftmark, Princess of Dragonstone. And so it shall be, those who deny her claim... shall be charged with treason, as is tradition."

Laenys's gaze briefly met Aemond's, a silent exchange laden with unspoken tensions and rivalries. Rhaenrya, bearing a silver crown adorned with red rubies, approached with a mixture of warmth and formality.

"Your Grace," Rhaenrya spoke, her voice carrying a blend of respect and acknowledgment. Laenys's attention snapped to her, a mix of emotions flickering across her features.

Rhaenrya, despite recent conflicts, offered a gesture of maternal affection as she gently cupped Laenys's face and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. It was a moment of unexpected tenderness, bridging the divide of their strained relationship, if only momentarily.

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