The Unburnt

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The battle field for House Arryn was wide and long, Laenys's 4000 men stood behind her with Targaryen war armor on, swords in hand on black horses. And House Arryn had 15,000 men that stood behind her as well. They flew a banner that had both House Arryn and House Targaryen's symbol upon it. Laenys sat on a black horse, looking directly at the Lannister army in front of her. They had 20,000 men in total.

There was a small difference in the amount of men, but if they held their ground it would be a close match.

The Lord Jason Lannister was on a brown horse and in Lannister armor. He went up to Laenys on his horse with a smirk. "Casterly Rock has never fallen, your Grace." He announced. Laenys clenched her jaw. "It will fall today." She said sternly. Suddenly a loud roar fill the skies and shadow casted upon them. Laenys looked up, seeing her husband riding Vhagar. They began circling the Lannister fleet.

"I present to you a choice, Lord Jason. Surrender to me and we will turn a blind eye to these foolish actions. Don't... and we burn you all. It is your choice." She asked him, as he looked at Vhagar with near fear. But, his fear was masked with an anger before he held onto his horse tightly by its straps before turning around and going back to his men.

Laenys breathed out, but she suddenly heard a loud war cry coming the fleet of men, which made her eyes widen. "Naejot!" She said in High Valryian. Which meant forward. Her men readied their swords, before running towards the Lannister fleet with their swords in the air.

She stayed back and watched as Vhagar blanketed at least a thousand men in dragon fire. Laenys cracked the straps on her horse, making it neigh and ride off to the crowd of men, once she was met with a Lannister knight with a golden haired horse she unsheathed her brother's sword.

She swung it once, decapitating the Lannister knight, blood spurred from where his head once was and his head fell onto the ground along with his body. Laenys then spotted another Lannister fighter and she stabbed her sword into his chest before slicing upwards. Making the top half of his body into two parts. Blood spurted his chest and got onto Laenys's hair and face.

Another blanket of fire covered the lands. Laenys looked up and saw Aemond skillfully dodge the spears being thrown at him. Vhagar was a battle dragon, so it made sense that she moved so skillfully. Laenys looked back down at the battle field watching three men run after her with a battle cry in their lungs.

Laenys lept off of her horses before holding up her sword. Once one man met up with her she sliced his horse's heel, and it fell, making the man get crushed underneath the weight of his horse. Another man met up with her and she sliced off his arm, he screamed in pain and clutched at the open wound.

With the third man she sliced at his chest, but was prevented from doing so because of the hard iron that plated his chest. So she wiped her blade upwards, knocking his steel helmet from his head. He swung his spear at her and it flew past her head, which gave her the opportunity to decapitate the man in one fell swoop.

Her breath was rapid and the smell of burnt flesh wafted through her nose. She turned around before suddenly being met with another two swords. It was Jason and Ser Tyland, Laenys leaned back her head, preventing the blade from piercing her skin.

"Laenys the Beheader." Ser Tyland said. "You are coming with us, and if not... we'll spill Targaryen blood right here." He said. Laenys glanced down at the sword.

"Aemond will come for me." She said, the Lannister's smirked. "We know, but me and my brother would like to have a little chat with you." Ser Tyland said.


The two Lannister brothers sat Laenys in a tent of some sorts. It most likely used to house their many many soldiers, but this tent in particular was more fancier. It must have housed the Lord of Casterly Rock, Jason Lannister.

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