8. Spilling the real tea

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"Jungkooook~" Taehyung sang and Jungkook stuck his head around the corner with an unbothered gaze. "Where are my shoes?" The blue boy asked.

"When did I agree to be your maid, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked annoyed and Taehyung whined. "What's there to whine about?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You're sounding just like my mother." He said.

Jungkook went from just sticking his head around the corner to walking his way over to Taehyung. He slapped the older's cheek, which came as a surprise to Taehyung.

"Ow..." Taehyung rubbed his hand over the stinging spot on his cheek and pouted at Jungkook.

Jungkook poked his finger into Taehyung's chest. "Don't you dare feminize me. I could literally end everyone and I'm not some kind of house wife. I-"

Jungkook hadn't noticed it but had pushed Taehyung up against the wall, just like a few weeks prior when Jungkook had also zoned out.

The confused, scared face of Taehyung made some unpleasurable memories come up in the smaller boy.

..."Yoongi?" The innocent voice of a fifteen year old Jungkook asked.

Said person turned around and smiled at his boyfriend. "What's up, kook?" He asked and Jungkook sat up to walk over to Yoongi and sat down on his lap.

The younger boy nuzzled his head into his boyfriend's hair and sighed. "Why are you getting so many messages from the U.C.G?" He asked.

Yoongi had in fact been getting messages from the U.C.G, the authorities. It concerned Jungkook since messages from the U.C.G usually meant trouble.

Yoongi frowned. "Why have you been going through my stuff?" He asked.

"I asked first!" Jungkook whined cutely but Yoongi didn't have any eye for that cuteness. He grabbed the younger boy's wrists, hard, and made him look into his eyes. "Yoonie, y-you're hurting me."

"Jungkook, don't go through my stuff. If I catch you doing that ever again, your wrists won't be the only things that will hurt."


"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled as the said boy fell down to the ground.

Jungkook didn't reply. His body laid dead on the ground. Taehyung quickly went down to check his pulse and breathing, thankgod he still was.

The blue boy reached for his phone, almost dropping it because of his sweaty, shaky hands.

"911, what's your emergency?" A woman's voice was heard after Taehyung dialed the number.

"H-hello? My roommate collapsed. I don't know what to do." Taehyung said, voice high and panicky.

"Alright, calm down. Tell me where you're at."

"*adres en ja bullshit.*, can I do anything to help him?" Taehyung asked. He didn't want to just wait next to Jungkook's body.

Jungkook was all pale. Every piece of skin showing was almost white. The position he was laying in looked so natural. Like he was sleeping. It made Taehyung sad for some reason.

The 911 lady explained something about the way he should lay Jungkook down and Taehyung tried his best even though he was panicking. Once he was done, the 911 lady hung up and Taehyung was alone again.

He slid down against the wall and looked at Jungkook's body. "Oh Kookie, what's going on with you?"


Taehyung was nervously walking back and forth in the waiting room, hoping for a doctor to give him some information very soon.

Luckily, that happened. The doctor that had been in Jungkook's room since they arrived finally came out. But she didn't look... very happy.

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