20. Three bottles

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"Fuck, they accepted me!" Jungkook yelled, running into the living room. "Guys! What the fuck do I do?!"

"Congratulations!" Jimin chuckled at the redhead's stressed behaviour. "This is what you wanted right?! Why are you so stressed?"

Jungkook looked at the letter with disbelief in his eyes. "I... just didn't expect to get in. Shit, what the fuck was I thinking? I can't go out into society like that!" He said and he brushed his hand through his hair.

"Kook, calm down." Yoongi said and he stood up from the couch. "I've done it as well, I've got a well paid job and no one's suspecting anything."

Jungkook breathed deeply. "Yeah, alright." He said. "That's right, I'm going to be alright and give me and Tae a good future."

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a pitiful look in his eyes. "Hey, Kook. I know we keep saying everything will be fine." He said and he saw Yoongi shaking his head, which he ignored. "But maybe you shouldn't keep planning your future with Taehyung, y'know?"

Jungkook immediately started crying.

Yoongi slapped his own forehead. "Goddammit Jimin." He groaned, then he walked over to the crying boy and put his hand on his back. "Don't listen to the carrot, yeah? He's mean and bad."

Jungkook shook his head and looked Yoongi in his eyes with his own teary ones. "He's right, Yoongi. I can't keep lying to myself forever." He cried. "I'll have to start a new life sometime."

Yoongi pulled the younger's head into his chest and narrowed his eyes at Jimin who raised his hands in defense. The mint haired man sighed. "C'mon Kook, let's celebrate your place at the school." He said, trying to cheer the boy up. "You want a beer?"


"Oh my god! He was so cute!" Taehyung yelled as he looked through the pictures on Seokjin's tablet. "Why is he pouting like that?!"

Seokjin laughed. "His mom didn't give him his banana milk." He said and Taehyung smiled. "He was only six, he was adorable, huh?"

"He still is." Taehyung said and he sighed. "He's the cutest."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon with a proud smile and then back at Taehyung who was now pouting at the picture the same way baby Jungkook was in the picture.

Namjoon put his hand on Seokjin's shoulder, and nodded his head at the kitchen door to let him know to follow him. Seokjin nodded.

"Taehyung, honey, we're going to make some food. You can keep looking at those pictures." He said and Taehyung nodded without looking up.

The two men walked into the kitchen and Namjoon closed the door. He looked at Seokjin. "He's going to die here, isn't he?" He asked.

Seokjin's smile fell and he looked at the ground. "Yeah..."

Seokjin was a doctor, he's the one who noticed Taehyung's heat stroke. When Taehyung was unconscious, he did some tests on his body and noticed that he had gotten an abnormal amount of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in his blood, compared to what the average person from 2019 should have.

That makes a lot of sense because there was actually a lot more in the air in their year. Humans evolved a lot, they got used to it. That and the heat.

Of course Jungkook was also having trouble with that in 2019 but the shortage did a lot less damage than the overdose of those gasses.

Taehyung had no idea he was slowly dying. He didn't feel anything... that sounds like a pretty peaceful death right?

Namjoon closed his eyes and he took a deep breath. "Are we going to fix it?" He asked, not actually wanting to see Seokjin's reaction.

Seokjin gasped. "Joon..." he said, disbelieving what his husband just said. "We didn't even do it when Jungkook got sent away."

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, because we agreed that he'd be fine." He said. "But we know Taehyung won't be fine."

"I don't know Joon, we could-"

Namjoon put his hand up to silence Seokjin "I know the consequences, Jin." He said.

"We've only known the boy for a few days Joon." Seokjin tried to get the idea out of his mind.

"Taehyung's going to die, Jin. Do you want to have his blood on your hands?" Namjoon asked.

Seokjin put his hand in his hair and leaned them on the counter. "I don't want to go, Joon. Jungkook had no-one here, that's why he'd be fine. If they're sending one of us back, they'll get what they want and that's exactly what we don't want."

"You know that Jungkook needs someone to rely on. He had Yoongi, then he had us. Who does he have now, huh? He doesn't deserve to be alone and Taehyung doesn't deserve to die." Namjoon started talking louder.

"Joon, don't raise your voice. You know I can't handle that." Seokjin said, squeezing his eyes shut. He let out a loud sigh. "Fuck it, let's do this."

Namjoon smiled and hugged his husband's waist from the back. "We're going to be fine, Jinnie. They just can't find out it's us."



"Jejakwj, did you know that Yoongi once... he once..." Jungkook said in slurred speak, completely wasted. "What was I gon say?"

Jimin frowned and looked at Yoongi. "How much did he have?" He asked and Yoongi raised his shoulders before walking over to the kitchen where the empty bottles were placed.

He counted them. "He had two beers." He said and Jimin laughed.

"Is he such a lightweight?" He asked but then he heard his boyfriend gasp. "What?"

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Uhm, he had another bottle..."

"So? That's only three?"

"No, a bottle of whisky."

Jungkook giggled. "You two were tooooo busy to see me drinkinnnnnggg." He said and then burped. "PArdOn?"

Jimin facepalmed. "Why the fuck didn't we see that, Yoongi?" He asked but then he realized. "We were making out weren't we?"

Jungkook quickly nodded and stumbled over to Jimin. "You two got a lot of kissies and I had to look at it all alone." He said and then he pouted. "I want kissies too."

Then he started crying again.

"Shit." Yoongi whispered to himself and he ran over to the two boys. He patted Jungkook's back. "C'mon, don't cry. Think about school."

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "How the fuck would that work? School always made me cry." He said.

Yoongi gritted his teeth. "That's because you're a fucking baby." He said and Jimin gasped before slapping his boyfriend.

"Fuck you!" He yelled before wrapping his arms over each other and pouting like a five your old. Then he realized what he was doing. "Never mind, you're right." 

Jungkook randomly jumped up and wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck. Jimin was startled but soothed the boy anyway. "Shh." He shushed him, rubbing his back. "Let's get you in bed, yeah? You need to get lots of sleep before your school starts."

Yoongi proudly watched his boyfriend bring Jungkook to his room oh so caringly.

After a while he came out and quietly closed the door. He turned to his boyfriend with a playful glare. "So, where were we?" He asked.

"Well, my whisky got chugged down by Jungkook who isn't even legally allowed to-"

Jimin groaned. "That's not what I- uhg! I just want to fuck!"

A faint sound was heard from the other side of the door. "Ewwww."

Yoongi chuckled. "Sorry hon, the children are still up." He said before winking at his boyfriend and walking over to the couch.

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