10. Minnie

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"Taehyung, come on. You've been in here for ages. Go outside for a little." Jimin said while opening the curtains of Taehyung's bedroom. "It's not like he's just going to come back and jump into your arms, there' a reason why he's gone."

Taehyung groaned. "I don't want to." He said and he pulled the covers over his head. "And it's only been three days, shut up!" He mumbled in a muted tone because of the covers.

"Sure, whatever. I'm taking you out." Jimin said and he started pulling the covers from Taehyung's face, revealing the mess that was him. His hair looked like shit, his face was red, his clothing smelled like sweat. "Jesus Tae, why are you so dramatic? You've only known the boy for a few weeks."

"I loved him." Taehyung cried and he put a pillow over his head. "Hang out with Yoongi or something, let me suffer alone."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yoongi isn't picking up his phone, probably just busy with Macy or his new girlfriend or something. I don't care." He said, he clearly did care.

The orange boy heard some ruffling behind him so he looked behind him, at Taehyung in his bed and saw his head poking up. "Wanna cry with me?" He asked and Jimin sighed.

"No, Tae. And you're not crying either. If anything, we could date each other." Jimin said and Taehyung started laughing. "Hey! Don't laugh at me."

Taehyung stopped laughing and dramatically wiped his fake tears. "I'm sorry." He said. "I just thought about us as a couple." He chuckled. "We'd kill each other before our one month anniversary."

Jimin smiled sarcastically. "I wish I'd have killed you at our one month friends anniversary." He said through his teeth.

"Well, why the fuck didn't you? Take me. Satan's been waiting." Taehyung said, completely serious.

Jimin smiled. "You're unbelievable sometimes." He said and he walked over to his best friend. "I'm glad you're still able to smile."


"I think you should call Yoongi." Taehyung said, taking a sip of his iced coffee. "He was really shady about that whole 'girlfriend' thing."

Jimin sighed, putting down his muffin. "I don't wanna look like a jealous prick, Tae. You're allowed to call him as well, you know?" He said.

Taehyung looked down. "Yoongi and I didn't exactly end our last talk on good terms... please Jimin, I know how much you want to call him and be with him."

Jimin groaned. "It's annoying how well you know me." He said before pulling out his phone and dialing Yoongi's number. "If I end up crying, you're buying me tons of ice cream."

Jimin didn't have his phone on speaker but it was loud enough for everyone in a five meter radius to hear. It beeped three times before someone answered. "Yoongi's phone, can I take a message?" A voice that definitely wasn't Yoongi's answered.

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Who dis?" He asked and the person on the other side of the line went silent.

"I'm... Yoongi's roommate?" The person said, questioning themself. "Shall I take a message?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and hung up. Taehyung frowned, he hadn't been able to hear the person on the other side of the line talk but he did pick up some words. "What the hell Chim, she seemed nice." Taehyung said. "Give me that phone."

Jimin threw his phone at Taehyung, making the blue boy jump 'cause what the hell? He narrowed his eyes at Jimin before calling back the number and waiting for it to be picked. When the beeping stopped he didn't wait for anyone to talk and just started himself.

"Hey, I wanna ask you to ask Yoongi if it's alright if we come by sometime today. No, wait. Tell him he doesn't have a choice." Taehyung said and he heard the person on the other side of the line gasp. "What?! Did he die?" He asked.

The person took a deep breath though it sounded more like a gasp. "No, I'll take the message. Bye." A weirdly deep voice said before hanging up.


That's how the two boys ended up standing in front of Yoongi's flat. Taehyung at first didn't understand why he wanted to go there so bad. But that was until he realized that the moment he first saw Jungkook was probably the day he arrived in Taehyung's time... that was weird to say. Anyhoe, that would mean that Yoongi also didn't come from 2020 but from Jungkook's time.

Taehyung felt like a huge genius realizing that. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

So, he rang the bell and the door opened and they walked a lot of stairs before finally reaching Yoongi's apartment at the end. Yoongi was waiting in his door post, holding the door open.

He smiled at the two. Which was weird since Yoongi usually didn't smile.

"Min Yoongi." Jimin said, walking up to the male. "Why are you smiling, what's up your sleeves?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "You guys were the ones who were being all weird over the phone." He said

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at Yoongi. "Why are you so happy?" He asked.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's like I never do anything right in your eyes, huh? You always tell me to just smile for a little and when I do, I'm suddenly a bad guy."

"Stop it." Jimin said strictly. "We're going inside and you two are going to talk things out because y'all are making me go insane."

Yoongi stepped aside to let the other two in. They all walked into the living room and were about to sit down on the couch but Taehyung cleared his throat. "Actually, Jimin, is it alright if I talk to Yoongi alone for a bit?" He asked and Jimin frowned at him. "Please, Minnie?" Taehyung pouted.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "What's that nickname?" He asked and Jimin blushed. "LMAO tomato."

Jimin pouted and walked off to another room to let the others talk. Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest? "Talk to me." He said.

Taehyung nodded. "Alright, I wanna talk about Jungkook." He said and Yoongi smiled. "Ew, creep. Anyways, Jungkook told me-"

Suddenly, Jimin came running back into the room. "Tae, I found Jungkook?" He yelled as the said boy came running after him with a look of stress. "He's been with Yoongi all this time! They're probably dati-"

Yoongi stood up. "Jimin, shut up." He turned to Taehyung. "C'mon Tae, you know he wouldn't do that to you."

Taehyung was completely stunned. He did not at all expect anything that just happened. All he wanted to do when he saw Jungkook was jumping into his arms. But he couldn't because his body wouldn't let him move.

"Dude, the fuck you doing?"Jimin asked Jungkook, turning to Taehyung after and looking back at Jungkook. "Hug the guy. He's been crying for days, you owe him."

"Oh," Jungkook said, mouth forming an 'O' shape. He still kept standing in place. Until Jimin pushed him.

Taehyung's instinct went crazy, seeing Jungkook getting pushed. Yoongi was just silently watching the whole situation. The blue boy walked over to Jungkook, who was recovering from Jimin almost killing him and he hugged the living shit out of him.

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