15. Sometimes I get sad

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"Dude, how the fuck do you live here?" Taehyung asked, huffing as the two men were still holding his arms.

Taehyung was a little dizzy. Time traveling was definitely... something. You know how they described apparition in the Harry Potter series? That's basically how it felt. Overall just weird.

The men hadn't talked to Taehyung ever since their encounter in the bakery an hour... no wait, a few hundred years before.

Taehyung scrunched up his nose. "Can I please scratch my nose? It's itching." He asked and the men looked at each other and nodded. One of them let go so the blue boy scratched his nose. Then the man decided he was done and he grabbed Taehyung's arm back. "Dude, what the hell?!"

He got ignored. Again. He sighed. "You know. Sometimes I get sad. And-"

"We're at your home! Good fucking luck with that and I hope I'll never see you again!" One of the men yelled, interrupting Taehyung's mental breakdown and. They pushed the boy into a yard, making him fall down on his knees as they walked away.

Taehyung frowned as he watched the men walk away. He then looked at the house in front of him and his eyes widened. It was a huge ass fucking vila. It had lots of glass and was all white. The blue boy got up to his feet and started slowly walking to the front door.

He then realized he had no idea how Jungkook's life had been before he came to the present... past? Taehyung was confused but he had no time for that 'cause he wasn't ready to burn alive.

So he walked all the way up to the door and knocked on it. Like said, Taehyung didn't know anything about Jungkook in this spectrum. He didn't know whom he lived with or if he lived alone.

His questions were answered when a girl around his own age opened the door. "Good evening." She said, smiling sweetly.

She was really pretty and looked a lot like Jungkook. Especially her eyes. Then he realized he was staring a her like a fucking creep.

"Uhm, hi. I'm Taehyung." He said and the girl gave him a confused look when he didn't say anything else. Taehyung realized that it still made no sense why he'd be at her house. "Oh, I have to explain something... can I come in?"

The girl frowned. "Why would I-"

"It's about Jungkook."

"My brother?"

Taehyung knew it, he knew they had to be related. He nodded and the girl laughed with no sense of humor. "Do you really think I care about that fucker?" She asked and the blue boy was flustered by that answer.

"What? Why not? He-"

"You're not from here, are you? You're from the past." She questioned, interrupting the other and Taehyung cocked his head because how could she know that? The girl noticed and sighed. "No one wears that anymore. Well... Jungkook did but he's a weird one."

Taehyung smiled at the thought of Jungkook. Then he frowned. "Are you and Jungkook not on good terms?" He asked.

The girl raised her eyebrows. "That's lightly expressed." She said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Taehyung started almost huffing like a dog because of the heat so Jungkook's sister quickly stepped aside. "Come in. Don't die of heat stroke before you've explained whatever the fuck it is you want to tell me."

So Taehyung did.


On the other hand was Jungkook, running around the streets and telling all random people around him he's from the future. Some people had called the cops and some the ambulance.

Sirenes came so Jungkook cursed himself before running away, back to Yoongi's apartment. He laughed as he stumbled inside.

Had he gone mad? Hmm... nah, it was just Jungkook being his real spiritual self... and maybe a little too much coffee.

Welp, now he just had to wait.

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