25. School?

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An alarm rang.

Let's just say... Taehyung didn't do alarms. He always shook awake because of them which made him grumpy so he decided against them.

That meant that it had to be a by Jungkook set alarm.

But Jungkook didn't even wake up.

Taehyung groaned when he realized alarms don't just stop and squeezed his head into the mattress with his pillow over it, hoping Jungkook would wake up an eggsplain why the fuck there was an alarm set at six am.

It took the blue boy ten minutes to realize that the other wasn't going to wake up.

Taehyung grabbed his phone from all the way over at Jungkook's side of the bed and put it out before yeeting his phone at the wall. He failed to notice the many calls of Yoong and Jimin, who were two worried mothers when it came to Jungkook.

He looked at Jungkook. Did he really need to wake the boy up? ...meh, probably not that important. So, he went to sleep again.

After another twenty minutes of snoring, the other boy woke up. He looked around in confusion, first having to check if what happened the night prior wasn't all a dream and then questioning why the fuck his alarm didn't go off.

He saw Taehyung's phone, which had his alarm, broken on the ground and raised his eyebrows. "What the hell?" He asked out loud.

Taehyung, being the light sleeper he is, woke up from the sound. He groaned. "Where am I?" He asked as he lifted his sleepy head off of his pillow. He saw Jungkook looking back at him. "KOOKIE!"

The blue boy was about to throw himself on the other but he decided not to when he saw Jungkook's confused expression. He just frowned back at the boy.

Jungkook opened his mouth. "What time is it?" He asked.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Do I look like a clock?" He asked and he groaned when he saw his boyfriend's annoyed expression. "My phone broke so go find a clock."

Jungkook shook his head in confusion. "There's a clock next to you and you're wearing a watch, just tell me?"

The boy found that way too much of an effort so he shook his head before closing his eyes again.

Jungkook groaned and sat up. He crawled over to Taehyung's side and fully laid himself on the boy to look at the time. He gasped. "Fuck, I'm gonna be late!"

Taehyung opened his eyes and frowned as the redhead rushed out of bed. "Late?" He asked. "For what?"

Jungkook sighed. "I'm late for school." He said as he jerked open the closet to put on Taehyung's clothes. He smiled as the familiar scent of his boyfriend invaded his nose.

Once he was dressed, he looked back at Taehyung who had his mouth wide open. "School?!" He yelled. "You go to school?!" Jungkook nodded. "I've only been gone for a month, what the fuck?"

Jungkook giggled. "Just help me get ready!" He yelled playfully and he walked out of the room.

Taehyung's whole expression went 'what, no?' and he jumped out of bed. "Who's paying for this?!" He yelled as he started walking after his boyfriend. "What school even?"

"Yoongi is. Though, I don't think he knows... Jimin agreed so it's fine." Jungkook said, acting like that was totally normal. "Macy can talk now, by the way."

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Since when do babies learn to talk in a month?" He asked as he watched Jungkook put on his shoes.

Jungkook raised his shoulder. "I don't know, it's just a few words." He said as he tied his shoelaces. "Her first words were Da and Koo though, I'm the favorite uncle."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Shut up, you're no one's favorite." He said and Jungkook raised his eyebrows. The blue boy knew exactly what was about to come. "Don't you dare-"

"That's not what you said last night though." The boy said it anyway and gave his boyfriend a quick eyebrow raise. "Should I test that once again?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes again and looked away. "Shut up, go to school."

Jungkook smiled as he stood up and kissed the other boy's cheek. "I'll go pick up my books at Yoongi's." He said. "See you at four."

"Four?! That's ten hours! Are they trying to kill you?" Taehyung asked, frowning. "And you haven't even eaten breakfast yet, let me-"

Jungkook put his finger on the blue boy's lips to shush him. "Don't worry about me, there's a bakery close to school."

Taehyung gasped. "A bakery? betrayer!" He yelled. "I thought I could trust you."

The redhead giggled. "You're silly, give me a kiss."

Who was Taehyung to say no to that? He pulled Jungkook at the collar of one of his own hoodies and smashed their lips together with a fond smile on his lips. He pulled away and gave him one last kiss on his forehead. "Good luck, Kookie." He said.

Jungkook smiled and was about to walk out but Taehyung grabbed the hood of the hoodie. "Bitch, you're not leaving without a coat." He said and he pulled his thickest coat off of the coat rack.

He threw it at Jungkook, who caught it and smiled once again before slowly turning around and walking away.

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