29. Talk about me

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Four hours

It took Taehyung four hours to decide he should listen to Jungkook's side first.

When it finally clicked, he immediately ran out though. Just like how he ran when he came in, he went out. Not any goodbyes to the two boyfriends but they were happy to see the boy making the right choice.

It was dark outside already which meant the bakery was already closed so he ran straight home, hoping Jungkook would be there.

He was, the boy was sitting against the front door, looking a little sad and totally exhausted... and something else didn't seem right. Taehyung immediately felt a quilt building up in his stomach.

He slowly walked over to him, confused to why he wasn't looking up at him. He fell down to his knees in front of him but still didn't get a reaction.

When Taehyung closely looked at his boyfriend's face he could finally make out what was wrong. Jungkook's lips were purple, like, deep purple. His eyes were half closed and his skin was incredibly pale.

Taehyung gasped, putting his hand on the boy's cheek. It was weird to still feel warmth coming off of his skin but he could feel that it wasn't the usual warmth, it was normal.

The blue boy panicked when Jungkook didn't flinch a single bit at his touch. He quickly opened the front door, making Jungkook almost fall backwards into the house but he put his leg against his back to prevent that.

After opening the door, he picked Jungkook up like he was a feather... alright, no, with a lot of effort. But he did it eventually. He walked straight up the stairs to their bedroom and put the boy down, tucking him in.

He then walked downstairs and went to find all the blankets he had at home, taking them back up and putting them over the redhead as well.

Taehyung had no idea what else to do, he wasn't used to people almost freezing to death. So, he decided to call Yoongi.

The old man had groaned when he picked up, given Taehyung some advice and started suspiciously moaning in the end. When Jimin's name fell, the blue boy decided it would be a good time to hang up.

He thought a little about what Yoongi told him. 'Just warm him up'. No shit sherlock, the question was how...

Taehyung gasped as he came with an idea. "A hot water bag!" He said out loud as he quickly started looking where he left the thing.

After a little searching, he found it and made it ready as fast as possible, almost burning his hands in the process. He didn't care though, he ran up the stairs and lifted the bundle of blankets and clothes up to put the bag against Jungkook's bare tummy.

A soft humm-ish sigh escaped the boy's lips which made Taehyung relax a little. He smiled softly. "At least you're still alive." He mumbled, then he sadly looked at the mess that was Jungkook. "I'll let you warm up... I'm sorry baby."

That was all he said before softly kissing his boyfriend's forehead and walking out.


"No, Tae, you don't get it. Being a switch just can't work." Jimin spoke through the phone. "You can't be a bottom and a top."

Taehyung facepalmed but then he frowned. "What about bisexuals?" He asked.

The orange boy went silent for a few seconds. "We don't talk about that around here." He said after in the most serious tone ever.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "You know that I'm bisexual, right?" He asked and heard a gasp right after before the line went dead. Taehyung laughed. "What the fuck?" He asked himself.

Beautiful Stranger II TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now