3. Crying

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"T-Taehyung." Jungkook softly moaned, the called person roughly kissing his neck.

After the two kissed things had escalated quickly and one thing led to another. They were now yet again in Taehyung's apartment, this time for a totally different reason than the first time.

Taehyung had found out that Jungkook was younger than him, feeling the need to dominate the smaller boy even more. He had him pressed up against the closest wall from the door, immediately having pushed him against it when they came inside. One of the older's hands were attached to Jungkook's waist, gently caressing the tininess, while the other hand was tangled up in his fluffy hair.

Jungkook's hands were put on the back of Taehyung's shoulders, the redhead trying to keep himself up. Taehyung started reaching down to unbuckle Jungkook's belt but the younger grabbed a hold of his wrist before he could.

It made Taehyung pull away from the spot on Jungkook's neck where he had been sucking and look him in the eyes. "I'm willing to please you in any way, but I'm not going to have sex with you." The younger sternly said.

Taehyung was shocked but he didn't question it as much as he would if he were sober. He just silently nodded and went on kissing the younger's neck.

After a while of that, Taehyung's drunk body and brain had already forgotten about what the younger had just told him and he started to reach down to his belt again. Jungkook, who felt weaker than he had those few minutes before due to the submission, didn't know what to do.

Should he have slapped Taehyung's hand away, again? Should he have told him what he had told him earlier again? Maybe scream? It was pretty much sexual assault anyways. But he didn't do any of that. What he did was sliding down the wall and crying.

Taehyung eyes went big. He realized what he had done and quickly crouched down. "I-I'm so sorry." He muttered, trying to take Jungkook's hands but the smaller boy pulled them away from his reach. "Jungkook, please, I'm sorry. I forgot."

Jungkook softly sobbed, wrapping his arms around his pulled up legs and resting his face on his knees. He ignored Taehyung's apologies, not having the energy to reply in the first place.

Taehyung didn't want to scare the younger even more by touching him again so he just kept apologizing over and over until his voice started cracking, after a few minutes.

That was also when Jungkook looked up again, eyes a little watery but cheeks completely tear-drenched. "I don't want to be here." He told the older and Taehyung felt a little hurt but he couldn't blame the redhead.

"I can take you to your hotel." He suggested but Jungkook violently shook his head. "Then what-"

"I didn't mean your place, I meant here. I don't want to be here." Jungkook said, rubbing the sleeve of his shirt over his eyes to take the wetness away.

Taehyung frowned. "I don't think I understand." He said, confused and Jungkook just shook his head. "No, please explain."

Jungkook shook his head again and Taehyung sighed. He stood up and held his hand out, hoping that the younger wasn't afraid of him now and that he wouldn't leave him hanging there.

Which he didn't, Taehyung pulled the redhead up and caught him in his arms. He knew he had a chance of the younger freaking out but he honestly didn't care because he wasn't going to let the sweet boy go.


"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked, sticking his head through the door of the guest room and looking at the small boy laying in bed with his back turned to him. He didn't get a reaction, which he had already expected. He sighed. "If you need anything, I'll be in my room."

He closed the door and went to his room, undressing and getting in bed. He wasn't drunk anymore, yet he did feel like he needed to puke. Not because he felt sick or something but out of pure disgust for himself.

How could he just forget such an important thing? And it wasn't even ten minutes later! He hated that he couldn't turn back time and just make out with the younger for a bit more.

He really liked Jungkook. He knew that he was different from the other sleepovers thanks to the empty feeling he had when the redhead had left that morning and then when he kissed him it kinda clicked.

He wasn't going to say he was in love with him, of course not. But there was definitely something, a small spark or tingle when he touched the small boy.

And earlier, when the boy had been crying, he felt even more bad than usual. He could normally handle crying people pretty well but something about seeing Jungkook cry just made the blue boy so panicked.

Taehyung laid there, staring at the bright purple and blue galaxy he had painted on his ceiling, deep in thought. Until the sound of a door handle disturbed his peace.

He quickly looked up, seeing Jungkook there in the sweater he had given the younger before he left that day. His eyes were half-closed and his hair was sticking out to every side possible, the appearance made him look like a lost puppy.

"Hey." The younger said, closing the door behind him. "I'm cold." He stated and Taehyung quickly sat up, ready to spit through his whole apartment to find all the blankets he had. But then, the younger said something he didn't expect. "Can you maybe... warm m-me up?"

Taehyung's heart exploded at the little stutter Jungkook mumbled out and he rolled over to one side as fast as he could, making space for the younger to lay.

The younger made his way to Taehyung's bed, almost tripping over the older's clothes in the process. He sat on the side Taehyung wasn't laying and looked at the blue boy with an expectant gaze.

"Are you... going to help me?" He asked, unsure if Taehyung understood what to do. The older snapped out of his thoughts and sat up as well.

"I- do I just, like, hug you? I mean-"

Before Taehyung could finish his sentence, the younger had already settled himself in his arms. Taehyung cooed at the small boy and pulled him closer into his chest, also taking the sheets and pulling them over him and Jungkook.

The younger's head was resting on Taehyung's shoulder and he loved how he could feel the small boy softly smile. He wanted to hug the boy even tighter even though that was physically impossible... turned out he still tried 'cause Jungkook started coughing.

"A-air." He struggled to say due to not getting any oxygen at all. The blue boy quickly let him go and softly apologized, making Jungkook softly smile. "You shouldn't apologize so much, you're not doing anything wrong on purpose."

Taehyung cocked his head to the side. "I thought apologizing for unintentional mistakes was a normal thing to do." He said in a questioning tone. Jungkook frowned.

"In my ti- thinks, it isn't." The younger said, mentally slapping himself for almost giving himself away and not even being able to form a proper sentence.

"That... wasn't correct English but I'll go with it." Taehyung laughed, only to immediately stop after due to the thoughts from earlier coming back. "I really, really want to apologize for earlier though."

Jungkook sighed. "No, you don't have to. I was just a little... overwhelmed by a lot of things. It wasn't your fault." he said and Taehyung himself got sad at the thought of the younger having so many things on mind and him making it even worse. "Kim Taehyung, I can feel you pity me."

The older let out an airy, unsure laugh and looked at Jungkook. The conversation fell into dead awkward silence and both boys had no idea what to say... until Jungkook basically threw himself on Taehyung and kissed his lips.

"Whoah!" Taehyung yelled, immediately pulling away. "What?" He asked, not understanding what was going on in the younger boy's head for one single bit. "Why?"

Jungkook sighed, looking down at his hands. "You just... look so cute." He admitted and Taehyung looked at him, taken aback. Not only because of this coming out of Jungkook's mouth but also because he looked at himself as a rather masculine man.

"I'm cute?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. Jungkook aggressively nodded and the older smiled widely.


He could get used to being called that.

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