Love at First Sight

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POV Adrien:

I wanted to finish my senior year and graduate from my native country, France.

It has been ten years since I left Paris with my parents because they had some business at New York

I just left the airport, picking my black Pomeranian puppy Plagg and rolling my huge suitcase on Paris's roads after long years.

I just left the airport, picking my black Pomeranian puppy Plagg and rolling my huge suitcase on Paris's roads after long years

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#plagg ( I love Pomeranian's puppies)

I was looking everywhere, a lot has changed, many buildings are new. Nothing stays the same

The only thing that doesn't change was the breeze of autumn, it's fresh and cold at the same time

I took a deep breath and left the airport to go stop a taxi because my car is in the mansion and I told dad that I don't want any driver with me.

While walking to the main road, I bumped into a girl. I didn't see her; it was my mistake as I was day dreaming

Marinette: ayyyy it hurt

I helped her to stand up and wipe her clothes, but when I left my head, I saw the most beautiful girl that I ever seen in all my life. She had long raven hair that pass her lower back, long eyelashes, bluebell eyes that looks like crystal and her beautiful pink freckled cheeks. This girl is just adorable

Adrien: I'm really sorry

Marinette: ohhh don't worry, it's my mistake, I was walking and looking everywhere around me. hope you are fine

Her voice is really cute, and when she smiled, my heart skipped a beat. After all, I won't see this girl again, I'm even afraid to ask for her number

Adrien: yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry again

Marinette: oh no, don't worry, everything is good. Accidents like this happen. are you new here? Need any help?

Adrien: no, I come from New York after ten years, so I missed everything in Paris

Marinette: ohh wow. A lot changed .... Ehhhh, do you mind asking about your name?

Adrien: I'm Adrien Agreste and you?

Marinette: Marinette Dupain Cheng

We shook our hands as I keep staring at her for a moment.

Adrien: I won't keep you for long, and sorry again

Marinette: oh no, that's fine. Awww this cutie pie is yours?

Adrien: yes, this is my little puppy Plagg

Marinette: may I?

I nodded and gave her a sleeping Plagg. She was in love with my little dog as she was petting him for two minutes

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