Fifth Love Letter

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POV Marinette:

The next day, I wake up due to my little Tikki licking my cheek. It was Sunday. I picked Tikki and sit her on my chest. I can't describe how much this little puppy is adorable

My secret admirer, if only you know how much I want to know you but I want to keep receiving your letters

I picked Tikki up as she hanged her little tongue out and let out a cute bark

Marinette: you are so adorable Tikki. Who is your owner, tell me. I'm dying to know. damn I forgot you can't talk but at least give me a hint... damn how she will do that. only you know who is he right?

I got Tikki and gave her a bath, then I dry her and put on her collar.

Marinette: you smell amazing now my little baby. Ill have a shower and be back, ok? Don't move little baby

She barked and went to my bed and she curled up like a ball. I went to the bathroom and had a shower then I changed my clothes.

I got Tikki and I went downstairs to the bakery where my parents are there and I played with her till I heard the door opened

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I got Tikki and I went downstairs to the bakery where my parents are there and I played with her till I heard the door opened. I found that Luka and Adrien are here

Marinette: ohhh hi there.

Sabine: hi kids, welcome

Adrien: hi Mrs. Dupain Cheng, hi Marinette

Luka: Adrien wanted to buy croissants but he was shy to come alone

Tom: son, you can come whenever you want

Adrien: thank you Mr. Dupain, I ....

The blond stopped talking when he heard Tikki's barks. She run toward him and hanged her tongue out while playing with her small little tail

Adrien: hey you, you are cute you know

He said as he picked up the little puppy. Tikki was so happy to see him, she was barking cutely and then when Adrien petted her, she licked his finger

Luka: so cute. Can I hold her?

Adrien: sure, here

Adrien handed Tikki to Luka, he was petting her but I was afraid she bites him at any moment, it's like she didn't like him

Marinette: why you didn't bring Plagg?

Adrien: Plagg is here, he is in the car, wait ill bring him

When Adrien left, Tikki was looking at the door and bark. This puppy is really in love with Adrien now

He is back with Plagg in his arms. he was sleeping as always but when Tikki barked, Plagg wake up and he stand on his four little paws and wave his tail

Adrien: naughty Plagg, naughty. You like her right?

I giggled as the little Plagg barked and both dogs started barking. We put them on the floor as they both begin to play around Adrien

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