His Secret Admirer

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POV Marinette:

It was lunch time; I didn't want to eat in the cafeteria but to stay in the bench alone. Luka preferred going out with his friends and leave me alone

I had my lunch that my mom made for me this morning, but not only for me, but she made one for Adrien, my best friend but I didn't find him in the cafeteria to have lunch together and give him this meal

I was eating my sandwich all alone, I didn't even call Adrien, I didn't want to annoy him and think that I'm selfish

Even if I think I'm.

Adrien never left me alone, he is an amazing friend of mine, and he care about me. even when we talked about my secret admirer, he encouraged me to know who is he

Now I doubt is Luka

While biting from my sandwich, I heard some laugh from the bench beside me. I looked there and I found that new girl Kagami and Adrien laughing together

The way how Kagami was looking at him is full of love, I know this look, it's the same one I do whenever I read a message from my secret admirer

I was stupid to think about Luka that he was the one. I got closer to him to know who is he, and everything about him, that's why I didn't accept to be his girlfriend, and decided to think about it, if he is really the right one

I got my phone, checking for any message from my man, but I found nothing for days, since I become with Luka

I gathered my strength and I send a message to him, hoping he message me back till tomorrow

My Princess 💖: I miss you so much. I miss everything in you

I hide then my phone and I went to adrien and Kagami. They were having so much fun, laughing together

Marinette: hi

Adrien: hi Marinette

My best friend and I were staring at each other without blinking our eyes for a moment till Kagami cleared her throat

Kagami: what bring you here?

Marinette: just to give this to Adrien. my mom made two, one for you and one for me

Adrien: you are amazing Mari, I ....

Kagami: we will share it, Adrien and I, right?

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch. But when Adrien answered, I had a smirk on my face

Adrien: sorry Kagami, I can give you some from it only if Marinette agree. Her mom had made this for me that's why.

Marinette: my mom insisted you eat it .... ALONE

I had a large smirk on my face but when I was about to leave them, Adrien grabbed my wrist

Adrien: stay with us Mari

Kagami: but why?

Marinette: really why? You are together

Adrien: we are all friends, just stay with us

I nodded and when I was about to walk to the bench, I slipped and I fell on Adrien's lap. I lift my head to look at Adrien, as we were both blushing

Marinette: s-sorry

Adrien: that's fine

He was so close to me, his face was really close, I even feel his hot breath on my lips. I snapped to the reality and I sat just beside him under Kagami's glares. It's obvious that she has a lot of feelings, and hearing her conversation with her mother in the bathroom just confirmed that she is in love with Adrien. like damn from the first day? Or is it love from first sight?

Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now