First Contact

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POV Adrien:

I panicked when Marinette wiped the reed frosting from my face and afraid, she knows about me and lose her friendship but I was relieved when after wiping my cheek, she just smiled at me

Marinette: what was that red?

Adrien: ohhh that? I really don't know

Marinette: it's clean now

Adrien: ohhh that's great

The teacher was writing the lesson on the board meanwhile we are taking notes.

Adrien: how are you doing with your secret admirer?

Marinette: very good. And I tell you what?

Adrien: what?

Marinette: I baked him a cupcake as a thank you, I'm praying that he got it and ate the cupcake. Hope he will like it

Adrien: you know how to bake cupcakes?

Marinette: I'm daughter of bakers, so I'm good at baking.

Adrien: I love cupcakes

Marinette: want one? I can do that for you too

Adrien: if you want

Marinette: sure

Luka: hey guys shuuuuu

POV Marinette:

The blue haired guy turned his head to shut us, but when he turned around to look at the board, Adrien and I placed our hands on our mouth and chuckled quietly

After the lessons, I couldn't wait more, I rushed to the locker room to check if ill find my rose cupcake but I'm glad I didn't find it, but there was a letter. I got it and opened it, it was from him

"Thank you so much for the cupcake, it was really tasty and the best cupcake that I ever had. Glad that I'm late most of the time or I wouldn't find it. Since I loved you, I see the world with another look

I bought a new phone number for myself; I know your number don't worry. I'm going to send you a message today at night on WhatsApp, so I would talk with you more. I don't get enough of you.

I love you so much bugaboo"

I held the letter and kissed it then I placed it on my chest and closed my eyes as a tear of happiness slipped off my eye

Marinette: I can't wait for tonight

My heart was beating so fast, it would leave my chest at any moment. It's like time is long right now. I want it to be night already

I folded the letter and put it with my other love letters then I left to my other lessons

I have now math class; Adrien was sitting beside me and I show him the letter I had. Even if I know him for days, he is closer to any of my other friends like Luka, Alya and Nino

Adrien: so, you will have your first contact today together?

Marinette: yesssss

Adrien: you look exited Marinette

Marinette: even me I don't know why; I don't know him and yet I feel happy to talk to him

Adrien: I see that

Marinette: Adrien, can I ask you? I want just to know something

Adrien: what is it?

Marinette: if you were my secret admirer, will you reveal who you are if I tell you that I love you?

Adrien: no, I won't. I will let you know who I'm yourself, this way It would be happy. Sure, if only I'm your secret admirer, but maybe he is different of me

Marinette: ill ask him then, or shouldn't I?

Adrien: follow what your heart says. But don't ask him to reveal himself, just figure it out yourself Mari.

Marinette: ohhh, ok. ill ask this jerk too. Hey Luka

Luka turned around to look at me with a raised eyebrow

Luka: yes blueberry

Marinette: if you were a secret admirer for someone you love and this girl love you too and she confess, will you reveal yourself?

Luka: for sure not, it would be an amazing game.

Marinette: I see

Luka: damn I'm still hungry, I want another cupcake

Marinette: cupcake?

Luka: yes, I didn't have a breakfast this morning, but only a cupcake and I'm still hungry. But it was delicious

I just nodded and folded my arms on the desk. Is it Luka? After thinking, Luka come late too, just before Adrien with some minutes. Could it be Luka?

Adrien: what are you thinking about?

Marinette: I think I know who is he?

Adrien: who?

I was about to tell Adrien about Luka but the bell ring so we all left.

Adrien: so?

Marinette: I think it's Luka. I should leave Adrien, I can't wait for his message, bye

I waved at Adrien and I run to my house. I put my phone to be charged, I don't want it to shut off while talking with him

Sabine: so happy today? So? The cupcake?

Marinette: awww mom he ate it and also, he told me that he will contact me via WhatsApp

Sabine: good news. Have fun my dear. I'm sure you will know him soon

Marinette: yes mom

I changed my clothes and laid on bed, then rested Tikki on my chest petting her

Marinette: I think I have feelings for him Tikki but I'm afraid

She was sleeping, curled into a ball on my chest. I was staring at my phone and I lost my patience, it's like the time is frozen at a moment to tease me. I was so bored that I didn't know how I closed my eyes and fell asleep

After two hours, I wake up, it was night. I checked my phone and I have found a message from an unknown

Unknown: hello my princess. it's me

When I saw this message, and his nickname calling me princess, I found a good name for him. I called him "my prince" because he is really one

Marinette: I was waiting all the night for your message.

I sent him this message and was waiting for his answer but my phone ring, it was Luka and for sure I answered

Luka: hi Marinette, so ... are you free this Saturday?

Marinette: hi Luka, yes, I'm free, why?

Luka: would you go out with me?

Marinette: do you mean ... a date?

Luka: yes

Marinette: I'll give you my answer tomorrow, Luka, ok?

Luka: good night, Marinette

After this call, I rested my phone on my chest but then I had a message on WhatsApp

My prince: I can't wait to see you tomorrow again

Why when Luka hung up, I got a message that he will see me tomorrow? What if it's really Luka? Why I'm not accepting this truth? .....

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