Her Birthday

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POV Marinette:

It has been four months since Adrien and I are living together in my house. My parents are in love with him but not more than me. Adrien is really my life and I don't know how I could live without him

During all those three months, I was writing some love letters to my baby Adrien, and put it in his locker. He knows it was me, but whenever we go to his locker and got the letter, he read it and hide it in his bag then he picks me in his arms in front of our classmates and kiss my lips and since then, I never stopped writing for Adrien, till we will graduate and leave this high school

It was night, Adrien and I were watching a movie in my laptop, and our puppies are on our laps, we were petting them

Tikki and Plagg are only sleeping together, cuddling together on the end of the bed, just like me and Adrien

Adrien: so tomorrow we are going do the presentation for our project?

Marinette: yeah finally, I'm just glad that during the three months working with Luka and Kagami wasn't really a big deal, I thought they would kill us at any moment, especially Kagami, she could get my eyes at any moments

Adrien: afraid of her?

My boyfriend smirked as he closed the laptop and put it aside

Marinette: I'm not afraid, but she should just give up, like you are mine now, what she is waiting for

Adrien: Luka is the same thing as Kagami, he hates me but I don't give a fuck

Marinette: really?

Adrien: yes, the most important thing is that you are mine, I'm the only who fuck you, you are my girlfriend, and also our project is finally over

Marinette: yeah, I can't believe that it's already over, and this year will be over too. So, what are you going to do?

Adrien: we are going to have the prom ball soon as I know right?

Marinette: yes, I know, and then bye bye studies, but first don't forget our exams, they are next week

Adrien: we are good students so I don't think that we will face any problem with that

Marinette: I think we should sleep, we have school tomorrow

Adrien: mhmmm. By the way, why don't you come to my house sometimes, I live alone there and ....

Marinette: because here, my parents will spoil us with sweets and delicious things

Adrien: yeah, you have a good point. Like seriously your parent's croissants and macaroon are so delicious, and also the chouquettes. But don't forget that your birthday is in two days

When I heard about my birthday, me who thought that Adrien forgot about it, I knelt in front of Adrien

Marinette: you remember my birthday?

Adrien: how can I forget it then?

Marinette: but I never told you anything about it

Adrien: I know everything about you princess, it's my baby's birthday, so for sure I will remember it and also, I have a surprise for you baby girl

Marinette: yaaaay I can't wait for my birthday Adrien, damnnn, I want it today, two days is a lot

Adrien: patience baby, you will spend a whole day with me, just me and you alone, and no one else with us

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