Giving Up

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POV Marinette:

I was smelling Luka's scent for a while as he is sitting in front of me. It's the same perfume I smelled from my man.

I still feel his lips on mine but was it really him?

I wouldn't focus on my lesson, all what I think about is him. I just want to leave and hug him, I really want him to hug me, to kiss me again and again. Even if I don't know him, he was the only able to win my heart and get all my thoughts because lately, he is the only one who I think about

I was twirling my pen, till I felt my phone vibration. I got my phone under the table as I found a message from my Prince

My Prince 👑: I'm still tasting on my lips your strawberry gloss princess

My Princess 💖: I still smell your scent; you drugged me with your cologne and I just want to hug you and kiss you again

My Prince 👑: if I had time, I would kiss your neck, and I'll go down to your collarbone

I closed my eyes and bite my lips to the thoughts of his soft lips on my skin

My Princess 💖: please don't turn me on, I'm in class

My Prince 👑: why dent you focus on your lessons?

My Princess 💖: I'm just thinking about you

My Prince 👑: if you won't focus on your lesson, I won't message you at night

My Princess 💖: fine, fine. I promise you to focus on my lesson. Also, I want to talk about something at night. I think I know who you are

My Prince 👑: who I'm princess?

My Princess 💖: we will talk when I'm home.

My Prince 👑: ok then, ill wait for you, I love you so much princess

I put my phone back in my pocked and focused on the lesson like I promised him.

Thinking about it, I didn't see adrien today, where the fuck is him and why he didn't come.

After class, I saw Adrien walking to the bathroom with Nino and Nathaniel.

Alya: let's wait for Nino

Marinette: oh ok. so how are you with Nino?

Alya: he pissed me off, like the fuck he is always in his phone the past days and he just forget me

Marinette: what the hell

Alya: do you believe that? we didn't have sex since then

Marinette: talked with him?

Alya: not really but ... damn they are here

I looked at the bathroom I saw Nathaniel joining me and Alya first. I was about to slap myself when I smelt the same scent of my man's perfume this morning but what make it worst, that I even smelled Adrien and Nino too

Alya: hey Mari, is everything ok?

Marinette: y-yeah, yeah, I'm fine

What the fuck, is everyone buying from the same cologne or they all spray from the same one? I was in class so confused, I was smelling this scent more and more, even from Adrien

Adrien: are you alright Mari?

Marinette: I don't know Adrien, I'm thinking about him

Adrien: where is the problem?

Marinette: I.... I kissed him today

Adrien: so, you know who is he?

Marinette: I closed my eyes, I'm dying to know him myself, I don't want anyone to tell me who

Adrien: so, you are playing Sherlock Holmes

Marinette: absolutely

Adrien: you doubt in someone?

Marinette: I doubt in four persons, Nino, Luka, Nathaniel and you. but ill exclude Nino and you

Adrien: and why?

Marinette: Nino is Alya's boyfriend and you are my best friend and you know me for little so it's impossible for you to love me

The blond was just quiet, he didn't say anything, he just turned his head to the board and note the lesson

After class, Luka was walking toward me to talk about the date and yesterday's call but I was able to escape and leave home because I have nothing to say right now and I'm still under the shock. I need badly to talk with my mom

POV Adrien:

I love Marinette so much, but sometimes I feel that she thinks with her ass, she doesn't use her brain at all

She excluded me from her list because I just knew her? what about love at first sight?

I was hurt deep down, because she doesn't think of me like I may be her secret admirer.

I couldn't answer her, I just start taking notes from the lesson and focus with my broken heart

I don't want to give her hints, I want her to know who I'm, to love me for who I'm

All what I want is to go back home, but before, I should buy at least three or four bottles from my cologne because the one I had, Nathaniel, Luka and Nino used it

As I was in the bathroom, Nino was smoking but poor Nathaniel's scent become all bad with Nino's smoke, so they both asked me to spray them with cologne

After class, I didn't talk much with Marinette, I just bought my cologne and went back home

I had a shower and laid on my bed. I got Plagg on my chest, petting him, he was awake, staring at me

Adrien: do you believe that Plagg? After kissing her lips today, she thinks I'm Nathaniel or Luka. I'm that cursed?

Plagg barked and waved his tiny tail but then he turned around himself and laid again on my chest

Adrien: I think I should give up

The little puppy barked again and hanged his tongue out

Adrien: ill really give up Plagg. She will never love me because for her, I'm just her best friend and I won't fall in love with he because I know her for days

I sighed and closed my eyes to sleep, but I heard my phone ringing, I got it and I have found a message from Marinette

My Princess 💖: I was thinking about you all the day, even in class and I may know who you are now. you are my classmate and I'm sure of that. I'm just confused between two and I'm sure ill figure it out

Reading this message hurt me, because I wasn't counted, the one who really love her so much isn't into consideration

I just put my phone on the stand and stared at the ceiling, I didn't respond to her message, I just read it

I decided that giving up is the right decision ....

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