My Girlfriend

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POV Adrien:

Marinette and I were out for a long time, she was on my lap, we were sharing a lot of kisses till she cupped my cheek and smiled

Marinette: it's you Adrien, those lips, this scent, this touch, this hot and warm skin, it was you always... it has always been you.... My secret admirer

I had a smile on my face, finally she knows who I am but deep down, I had known that she loves me, since my first love letter, I got from my secret admirer

Adrien: yes, it was me that man who is crazy in love with you.

Marinette: I'm sorry to figure it out so late, you know the dumb I'm

Adrien: I know that it was also you my secret admirer

Marinette: w-what? How?

Adrien: let's say that I just compared the writings, that's all also how we were so close to each other, confirmed that it was you

Marinette: disappointed?

Adrien: seriously? I have been dreaming of this since the day I met you. that day, when we bumped in each other, I had fallen in love with you, a love at first sight

Marinette: I loved you without even knowing you, Adrien. you were spoiling me like gifting me Tikki, the love letters, I collected every one of them, and saved them in my diary

Adrien: so, aren't you disappointed that I'm the one?

Marinette: me? disappointed because you are my secret admirer? No way, I'm the happiest girl in the world. But deep down, I wanted you to be the one to be honest but I thought that maybe you don't believe in love at first sight.

Adrien: tell me how you had known it was me?

Marinette: you know that I got closer to Luka just to know if it was him. he wasn't that caring like my boy, even when I exchanged with him a kiss, it wasn't the same so I had known it wasn't him. I thought also of Nathaniel but then he is gay so the only one remaining is you, even if I couldn't believe it, because you don't know me really well but I really wanted you to be the one I love. Also, I asked you to provide me your notes, I wanted to check the writing

Adrien: you took a lot of time

Marinette: I'm dumb sometimes, I had to know it's you since you gifted me my little Tikki. When you and Luka visit me, Tikki was in love with you but not with Luka, that means she had played with you and seen you before, but I'm really happy that my best friend and the man I love so much and fell for him are the same.

Adrien: I love you more my princess. after all, I was calling you princess sometimes, maybe you can know that it was me

Marinette: believe me if I tell you that I didn't notice that? I'm really clumsy

Adrien: not clumsy, but oblivious. All what matter is that you are mine right?

Marinette: yes, yours. Now all what I need is you, your arms around me and your lips on mine

I smirked and laid Marinette on the sheets kindly and crawled on top of her then I lowered my head to kiss her beautiful lips.

Marinette wrapped her arms around my neck and deepen the kiss. She lowered her hands then to my ass and grabbed hard, but I groaned when her hand rubbed my dick

Adrien: fuckk

We ended our kiss, the bluenette looks at me with eyes full of desire, she was massaging my dick till I heard the zipper of my pants

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