At The Night

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POV Marinette:

We finally finished the last lesson and we left this fucking building. Luka, Adrien and I are screwed because we have a project .... About reproduction ... pure sex

All girls were glaring at me and I don't know why, because of Luka or Adrien

We were in front of the school talking about our project. I was so shy, to be the only girl with two handsome men

Luka: between all subjects, why sex? The others got other things

Adrien: we will just finish it and voila

Marinette: I agree with Adrien. I say we start tomorrow

Adrien: good idea

Marinette: then see ya

We said goodbye and I went home. I was so tired and all what I want is to talk with my boy

I had dinner then a shower and stay only in my lingerie, and laid on my bed with a sleeping Tikki beside me

I got a birth control pill, since turned 18, I begin getting them. who know, maybe I will have my first time ... with who I love.

Marinette: my baby Tikki, your owner drives me crazy you know? he is Luka? I want to guess it right

I was brushing my fingers on my lips, remembering his soft lips on mine, and on my neck till I received a message

My Prince 👑: hello my love

My Princess 💖: I was just thinking about you

My Prince 👑: really?

My Princess 💖: I just think about you, I love you

My Prince 👑: I love you more. so, what are you doing?

My Princess 💖: laying on my bed with my Tikki and you?

My Prince 👑: same, laying on my bed and thinking about our kiss

My Princess 💖: you know, if it was possible, I would go farther

My Prince 👑: but you don't know who I'm?

My Princess 💖: I may don't know who you are, but I know that I really love you so much. I wish to have my first time with you

My Prince 👑: waiiiit!!!! Are you virgin?

My Princess 💖: yes, I'm still a virgin, I promised myself to lose my virginity to who I love

My Prince 👑: I'm still virgin too, I never had sex before

My Princess 💖: wait really?

My Prince 👑: yes. A pure virgin, I didn't touch any girl before you. you got my first kiss by the way

My Princess 💖: I'm loving you even more now, I'm happy to be your first kiss and maybe ... your first too

My Prince 👑: I don't mind that. I already lost my everything for you. my heart, my mind are yours

My Princess 💖: about the kiss ...

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