In Love With Him

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POV Marinette:

I have been waiting for a message from him, it has been two hours now, and he didn't answer my message. It's already 11pm and I have school tomorrow. I couldn't sleep

I was holding my phone, and staring at the ceiling waiting for a message, till I heard someone opening my trap. I was going to pretend I'm sleeping but I heard mom's voice

Sabine: don't worry, it's me

Marinette: mom

My mom walked to ward my bed and sat on the edge. I laid on my back, still holding my phone. She got a sleeping Tikki on her lap as she caressed her

Sabine: are you ok? beautiful pink bouquet from where you got it?

Marinette: I had my first kiss

Sabine: whatttt? How? And who?

Marinette: it's him. I couldn't hold myself mom, we planned to kiss each other

Sabine: so, you liked him, right? He is handsome right?

Marinette: I... I don't know him mom

Sabine: haaaa? How?

I told my mom everything, and she was amazed by what happened but when I told her about the cologne's part, she face palmed

Marinette: what?

Sabine: sooooo look here, don't you think that the cologne belongs to just one of them and that's who is he? The rest just spray from it?

Marinette: it can be, but I already figured it out who

Sabine: and who?

Marinette: it's Luka

My mother chocked on her saliva as she coughs badly. I gave her a cup of water that I had beside me

Sabine: oh god, I'm fine now

Marinette: something wrong mom?

Sabine: no, nothing wrong. But why you think it's Luka?

Marinette: everything leads to him

Sabine: I have nothing to say but why you look sad? You didn't have your first kiss today from him?

Marinette: yes but ...

Sabine: but?

Marinette: I sent him a message two hours ago and he didn't answer yet

Sabine: maybe he is busy

Marinette: you think so?

Sabine: yes

Marinette: fine then, ill sleep and wait for tomorrow

My mom nodded and picked Tikki and laid her beside me. I got my little fur ball and pulled her closer and covered her. when mom was about to leave, she looks at me

Sabine: anyone else know that you have a secret admirer?

Marinette: the only one who knows is Adrien

Sabine: what he knows exactly?

Marinette: he knows everything, that I kissed him, about the letters, and also that I'm doubting Luka or either Nathaniel

Sabine: ok, good night

POV Sabine:

I left Marinette's room pulling my hair for the dumbness of my daughter. I went to my room as I found tom laying on bed. I had a seat on the bed thinking about my daughter's stupidness

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