The New Girl

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POV Marinette:

The new girl looks really beautiful, her hair is like mine, but from now, I think I'll sit beside Luka because Kagami got my place beside Adrien

I was hearing both of Adrien and Kagami talking, introducing to each other, but what I didn't miss is how she was looking at him while gaining her seat

I couldn't hold myself except hearing what they are talking

Kagami: I'm sure that you are smart

Adrien: oh no, I'm not, I just try to study well. so, you are from Japan?

Kagami: yes, I just moved with my mother to Paris, and I already like this country so much

Adrien: I'm new here too, I just moved from New York

Kagami: you made friends?

Adrien: yes, I made some friends

Both of them were interrupted by the teacher as he lifts his head from his papers

Teacher: Kagami, as you are new, then I should assign you to a group. You can be with Adrien's group

Kagami: ok sir

When the teacher turned to begin the lesson, I keep hearing what both were talking from behind

Adrien: welcome to the group

Kagami: thank you, but what the project about?

Adrien: sex

Kagami: damn, but I have no experience in that... shit I'm sorry

Adrien: don't worry, we will all work together. You can also consider me as your friend, and if you need someone, ill be glad to help you

Kagami: you are very kind Adrien, but can I get at least your phone number, I mean exchanging numbers, but if you mind, there is no problem

Adrien: I don't mind at all, here my number

After that, it was so quiet, and no one of them said anything. I hope that this Kagami is kind and good as she will work with us

When my eyes went to Luka's opened bag, I saw something familiar. This writing, this paper ... the signature

I got it when Luka wasn't aware and I put it in my pocket then I asked to go out to the bathroom

I run to the bathroom and get in one of the stalls, I got the paper and read it. it was a letter ... a sad love letter

"A lot of friends advised me to follow my heart, but if my heart is in a million pieces, which piece do I follow? Your SA"

What this letter is doing with Luka and why it's sad? Luka and I are together so his letters should be happy. Why his heart is broken into a thousand piece? I don't understand anything happening and I'm really lost

I was about to leave and think about this letter more in class but someone get in, it was a known voice, it's Kagami

She was talking with her mother in a phone call

Kagami: yes mom, he is amazing and we will work together. His name is Adrien Agreste. He is my first friend here but I think he will be more than a friend. From the first moment I saw him, I felt something amazing and my heart skipped a beat. His scent is so fresh, he looks so handsome but I don't know if he had someone who he loves

I can't believe that Kagami has a crush on Adrien. after all, I understand her, Adrien is really handsome, sexy and hot. He is very kind, a gentleman and my best friend.... My best friend who I dumped today just to sit beside Luka

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