The Trip

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POV Marinette:

Adrien and I went together to our class, we were a bit late I had my seat beside Luka and he got his seat beside Kagami

Luka: where have you been?

Marinette: I should ask you; you just left me eating my lunch alone

Luka: my friends called me to go eat out together

Marinette: if I was important for you and you love me, you would stay with me and not leave me like that

Luka: you know I love you but I can't let down my friends

Marinette: yeahh, yeahh. And I messaged you yesterday on your other number, why you didn't answer?

Luka: Marinette, I have only one number, what are you talking about?

Marinette: nothing

I turned around as I found Adrien writing his notes and I have missed the first two lines because I was whispering with Luka

Marinette: Adrien, could you provide me your notes for a second please?

Adrien: sure

He handed me his notes and I wrote everything I missed then I gave him back his notes

I got the letter I got earlier from my man, and I read it again and again, and I decided to leave a note there in my locker for him because I miss so bad texting him. that was enough for me

I wrote a little note and folded it then I put it in my pocket. I was waiting with impatience this fucking lesson to end, I can't wait anymore

At the end of the lesson which was the last one, I run to the locker and put the paper and I waited in the bathroom, in one of the stalls, waiting for everything to leave and maybe my man got the paper

I was waiting for in the stall till I received a message in my phone. I got it and I was so happy to find that it was him

My Prince 👑: I missed you more, and I miss everything about you but you forgot about me

My Princess 💖: I never forget about you, I may forget about myself but not you because I love you so much and I really miss you badly and also in two days, I'm going to a trip

My Prince 👑: I know, but if you want a kiss, I'm in front of your locker and the school is empty

My Princess 💖: ill wait for you in the bathroom, come in

My Prince 👑: fine I'm coming

I was so happy to finally feel him again. I closed my eyes and I waited for him till I heard the door opened and then two arms wrapped around me. I was missing him so much, I hugged him and cried on his chest

Marinette: I ... I missed you so much

Without thinking, I kissed on his neck earning a sexy moan from him then I kissed him up till I pecked his lips. I cupped his face and I smashed my lips on his

The kiss was full of passion and love as we were embracing each other, his perfume is dizzying all my senses. We were kissing and touching each other everywhere except the private areas, maybe because we are still shy... maybe

We kissed for five long minutes, we were breathing and kissing again then I rested my head in the crook of his neck as we were embracing each other.

Marinette: your scent is amazing, and I'm ready to smell you for the end of my life. I love you so much

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