Living Together

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POV Marinette:

It has been days since Adrien and I confessed and we are going back home today.

Luka and Kagami but especially Kagami was glaring all those days to us, she just wants Adrien for her because she is in love with him but it was too late because Adrien and I share a lot of love and not only that, we are even having sex together almost everyday

In the train, I was sleeping on Adrien's shoulder, I was tired because I didn't sleep very well, Adrien and I messed around together all the night

When we reached Paris, we finally got our suitcases and we both walked to my house together but Adrien stopped me before we get into the bakery

Adrien: Mari, princess what if your parents don't accept me?

Marinette: are you kidding? My parents will love you the way I love you my dear. They are always looking for my happiness and you are my happiness Adrien

Adrien: ohhh princess

Marinette: ready?

Adrien: I think so, let's go

We held hands and intertwined our fingers then I get into the apartment. I found Tikki and Plagg playing in the living room and barking, and my parents were on the couch

Marinette: hiii mom, hiiii dad

They both look at me and Adrien then they look down to our hands. They stand up and walked toward us, and I'm sure they know since the begin that Adrien is the one since what happened with Tikki

Sabine: Adrien, Marinette, please tell me that you are both...

Adrien: yes, we are together, Marinette is my girlfriend Mrs. Dupain Cheng

Tom: oh my god finally, welcome to the family Adrien, but she knows that ...

Marinette: that he is my secret admirer? Yes, I did after a long time

Sabine: yes, it's about time, finally I'm really happy that both of you are finally together now.

Tom: take a seat both, ill bring some macaroon

Adrien: ohhhh yes, I really love your macaroon Mr. Dupain

Tom: from now on, you will eat whatever you want

When dad left, me, Adrien and my mother had a seat. The two little puppies were down, barking and waving their tiny little tails

Adrien: hiii Plagg, missed your dad?

Marinette: my little Tikki, missed your mommy?

Sabine: now both puppies have their parents

My mom said as she smirked at us, making me and Adrien blush. We picked our puppies and sit them on our lap.

Adrien and I were sitting so close to each other, that Plagg and Tikki could play together

When my mother left, Adrien wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer as he kissed my head

Adrien: I love you so much princess

Marinette: I love you more

Adrien: want to come home with me and move?

Marinette: why you don't move with me?

Adrien: no, I can't, it will be a lot for your parents

Marinette: my parents love you, please Adrien, stay with me my room isn't that big I know, but I love you and I need you with me

The blond was thinking for some seconds till he finally nodded I cupped his face to lay my mouth on his and kiss his sweet and tender lips but we were interrupted by my mother fangirling

Sabine: awwww, finally I really wanted to witness this love

Marinette: mom, can Adrien move with us please?

Adrien: till we get married sure, Marinette will move out with me

When I heard that word, and that Adrien will marry me one day, my cheeks turned red like hell

Sabine: married? Awwwwwww

Adrien: sure, do you think ill leave you to someone else except me princess?

Marinette: ohhh my Adrien

We were talking for a while in the living room, talking about our future and kissing from time to another till we heard the door

Marinette: hmmmm who could be?

Sabine: ill go check

My mother left and went downstairs to check who was knocking. Adrien and I was waiting to see who is in the door but our eyes widen when we found Luka and Kagami

Marinette: Kagami? Luka? what are you doing here?

Luka: did you forget that we have our project and we are working on it?

Adrien: y-yeah, we are sorry, we forgot

Kagami: let's work on it then, I want to end it as soon as possible, what do you think Adrien?

My boyfriend looked at me, as I nodded for him. I went to bring my items from my room and we all had a seat in the living room to work

All four of us were in our laptops working, and from time to another, I could spot that bitch Kagami looking at Adrien, looking at my man, and this is making me really angry

Luka: Marinette

Marinette: yes?

Luka: sooo, we didn't talk since that day in our trip

Marinette: what we will talk about?

Adrien: she is my girlfriend now Luka, if you don't know, and I'm protective and possessive over my girl, so you know the rest

The blue haired man clinched his teeth and looked at Kagami but I didn't give a fuck, I know that Adrien is mine and she won't dare to get my man from me.

To make Kagami jealous, I got closer to Adrien and laid my head on his shoulder then I kept working on my laptop but Adrien grabbed my chin between his fingers and pressed a soft kiss on my lips in front of them

Adrien: I love you baby

Marinette: I love you more

Luka: we have work you both, Marinette focus

Marinette: but I'm working, please stop that

Adrien: guys, let's stop this shit, we are grown ass, so let's keep working

Kagami: only if you stop confessing your feelings Adrien

Luka: I agree with Kagami

We all shut the fuck up and kept working all four of us, even my mother brought us some snacks and coffee but Kagami and Luka were glaring at me and Adrien like they really want to kill us

All what I know, is that I really need to talk to Kagami and tell her to forget my man Adrien forever ......

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