Love Letters

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POV Marinette:

Adrien and I pulled away and looked behind, we found Luka walking toward us

Marinette: hi Luka, aren't you sleeping?

Luka: I couldn't sleep and you aren't with me in our room. I didn't know you are with Adrien here

Marinette: we were watching the river and the moon

Luka: romantic moment, right?

Marinette: yes

Luka: let's leave, it's late

Marinette: you can go, I will leave with Adrien later

Adrien: I will be sure that I walk her to her room don't worry Luka

Luka: but ...

Adrien: promise

The blue haired man groaned and left. Adrien and I were looking at him leaving till he gets into the dorm

We were both staring at the moon, but I looked at Adrien with a side eye and for my biggest surprise, I found him staring at me

I felt something tighted on my hand, I looked down and I found that Adrien and I had our fingers intertwined

Marinette: beautiful night, right?

Adrien: yes, it is.

Marinette: Adrien .... About my secret admirer, do you remember?

Adrien: yes, I do, what about him?

Marinette: I miss his letters so much; it has been three days.

Adrien: why don't you ask him when you message him?

Marinette: ill see if he is thinking about me ... or not

I said as I rested my head on his chest. It wasn't really cold because his jacket is covering both of us. and I'm falling asleep

Adrien: Mari, can I ask you?

Marinette: mhmmm

Adrien: are you going to be disappointed the day you know who is he?

Marinette: no, I'm not disappointed

Adrien: are you loving him blindly?

Marinette: more than anything, and I'm ready for everything for him

I said as I lift my head to look into Adrien's beautiful emerald eyes.

Marinette: what about your secret admirer?

Adrien: she just sent a letter once, so she isn't really one. I think she was only kidding or passing her time

Marinette: what if she loves you, Adrien?

Adrien didn't answer me, he just smiled widely and pressed a kiss on my forehead, then I laid my head again on his chest and Adrien wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him

We watched the beautiful view together for another hour into each other's arms till it was really late

He kept his jacket around me then I gave it back when I was in front of my room

Adrien: so here it is

Marinette: good night, Adrien, I had really so much fun

Adrien: me too

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