Rose Cupcake

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POV Marinette:

My parents finished from the bakery really late. I wanted to bake a cupcake for my secret admirer and write him something as a gift.

When I was in my bed playing with Tikki, I heard a knock on the trap

Marinette: come in

I saw my mom holding a tray with fresh cookies and hot chocolate and went upstairs to my bed. she had a seat and put the tray on my bed as I kept Tikki in my arms

Sabine: you love her so much, right?

Marinette: more than anything mom. this is the best gift that I ever had in my life

Sabine: you didn't think that Tikki was acting weird hours ago?

Marinette: weird? No, not at all

Sabine: not even a little bit?

Marinette: no, Tikki is fine mom and she is really calm

Mom gave me a mug with hot chocolate. I put a sleeping Tikki on the free side of the bed and got the hot chocolate cup and hold it with both hands, staring at it and thinking about this boy

Sabine: thinking about him?

Marinette: yes. So much. I don't know why he is all what I think about

Sabine: you are so much in love with him, I guess. Even if you never see him or even know who is he?

Marinette: y-yes.

Sabine: Marinette, the one who you are looking for can be so close to you. so close that you couldn't even notice him

Marinette: what do you mean?

Sabine: sometimes, we spend hours looking for something, sometimes days, but we don't know that this thing is in front of us all the day, but we didn't notice it

Marinette: I tried to know who, but I had no idea, also I decided to bake a rose cupcake for him and write something

Sabine: and how you will know if he got it or not? Or how you will give it to him?

Marinette: he is passing by my locker I'm sure, so I'll leave it there and ill hope for the best

Sabine: good luck Marinette, but don't sneak to see who ok?

Marinette: yes

We were talking and laughing me and mom, having daughter and mom talks till it becomes late.

Mom got the tray and I went to brush my teach then I laid on bed, staring at the little white fur ball I have beside me

Marinette: I'm think what are you doing right now

I sighed, then I petted Tikki till I fell asleep.

The next day, I wake up so early for baking, I washed my face and put my hair in a bun then I went to the bakery, to start baking a rose cupcake

I was sure to make everything perfect, the dough, the frosting and how ill present it. I want it elegant. I spent a whole hour baking, then when I made sure it's good, I went upstairs and had a shower, I changed my clothes and put my hair in a ponytail

 I spent a whole hour baking, then when I made sure it's good, I went upstairs and had a shower, I changed my clothes and put my hair in a ponytail

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