Third Love Letter

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POV Marinette:

After the end of class, I met Adrien outside the school. I found him talking with Luka

Marinette: hi guys, so what you were talking about?

Luka: nothing special, boys stuff

Marinette: now I insist to know

Adrien: we talked about Plagg first, I show him a picture of my little puppy

Luka: did you saw him Marinette?

Marinette: awww my baby Plagg? Yep, and I petted him, that's my baby fur ball of love

Adrien: lucky Plagg, he has a fanclub

Marinette: come on, I really love puppies. One day I'll have Tikki

Luka: Tikki?

Marinette: yep, I want to have a little white female puppy then she can stay with Plagg, like yin and yang

Luka: ohhh cool, I'm sure you will get one soon

Marinette: in my dreams maybe. So, Adrien, your invitation to come with you home is still valid?

Adrien: sure

Luka: going with him home?

Marinette: yes, to see Plagg

Luka: oh ok, then I'm going I have stuff to do. bye guys

Adrien: bye

When Luka left, Adrien and I walked to the parking to get in his car but I had a call from my father asking me to help him today at the bakery if possible

Adrien: what's up?

Marinette: pissed off. I should help my parents and I won't come with you

Adrien: that's fine really. What about tomorrow?

Marinette: you don't mind?

Adrien: not at all, ill go shopping today and ...

Marinette: come on, we can go shopping tomorrow, I love shopping for house you know

Adrien: ill note that. so, I say bye?

Marinette: yep, and we will talk tonight

Adrien: I'll wait for you

I waved at Adrien as he gets in his car and left. The thought of my secret admirer hunted me again right now. I'm dying to know who is he

I went home and put the apron to help my parents. My mom was selling and me and my father were baking some cupcakes, then those cupcakes give me an idea

Why I don't bake Sunday a cupcake for my secret admirer and respond to one of his letters? It may be a bad idea. Maybe ... I don't know

Tom: those cupcakes look amazing, thank you Marinette

Marinette: welcome. Can I go up to my room?

Tom: yes, everything is done, you can go up

I nodded and went to the bathroom for a shower and I just stay in my lingerie and covered myself in bed. first thing I did is getting my phone and messaged Adrien. hope he is awake at 9pm

POV Adrien:

Once I was back home, I take off my clothes as I stay only in my boxer and laid on my bed. I hate studies but I love school for just one thing ... Marinette Dupain Cheng

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