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POV Marinette:

The glares that we exchanged yesterday when Kagami and Luka were with us, it happened all along the work till they both left, and as always, Kagami was flirting with Adrien

My boyfriend slept in the same bed as me, in his muscular arms, cuddling. It was the best night ever

We have school today; I wake up because I heard knocks on the trap and my mom's voice

Sabine: Marinette, wake up you and Adrien, it's time. I'll get ready your breakfast

Marinette: okkk mom, thank you

Adrien was sleeping peacefully beside me so I just shook him kindly.

Marinette: baby, wake up, it's time to go to school my love

Adrien: mhmmmm just some minutes princess

Marinette: Adrien, it's really late, we slept an extra 15 minutes. No, my mom is getting our breakfast ready, let's take a shower and change ok my baby?

Adrien mhmmm

He sits up, his hair was a mess but still sexy, he was rubbing his eyes then he yawned

Adrien: I'm awake. We really should go to school? I was enjoying what I had, sleeping with my girlfriend in my arms

Marinette: you will cuddle me when we are back from school, let's go

He rolled his eyes and we went to take a shower together then we changed our clothes and we went downstairs

He rolled his eyes and we went to take a shower together then we changed our clothes and we went downstairs

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#Their outfits

We found my mother setting the table for me and for Adrien, there are coffees, hot and fresh croissant

Adrien: wow, thank you Mrs. Dupain Cheng

Sabine: you are welcome my dear, you are a part of the family now, so we will spoil you

Marinette: you will be a spoiled baby for them now Adrien get ready

After the breakfast, Adrien and I walked to school, and in the entrance, we found Luka and Kagami already glaring at us, but we just held hands and ignored them as we went to our class.

Adrien and I have the last seats. We were sitting so close, really close to hold hands and intertwined our fingers, and sometimes, Adrien peck the back of my hand and we whisper an I love you from time to time

Kagami and Luka sometimes turn to look at us and glare but we didn't give a fuck

Adrien: hey Marinette, hear this joke. a man tells his doctor, "Doc, help me. I'm addicted to Twitter!". The doctor replies, "Sorry, I don't follow you ..."

I couldn't hold my laugh so I just laughed and Adrien laughed with me, but we shut up when the teacher turned and looked at us

Teacher: Marinette and Adrien, detention

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