Brainy almost a Father!

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~{Chapter 4}~ *This chapter is about when Brainy is about to be a father. Hope you like it, Enjoy!*

When Brainy and the others just arrived at the hospital with Nia. Awaiting Isabel and Noah to be born.
she went into labor right away. And of course, Brainy is right by Nia's side in the delivery room with her.

But it hit him that he was about to be a Father! He freaked out and went out of the room.

As John, Alex, Kelly, and Lena noticed Brainy's odd behavior and followed him out into the hallway to talk to him.
To calm him down, and to be there for Nia for the birth of Isabel and Noah.

Kara stayed with Nia to keep her company while comforting her friend. Until Brainy gets back.

Nia looks up at Kara sadly.

"Everything will be ok, Nia. Don't worry they'll talk to him." Kara said softly to cheer up Nia.

"I hope you're right. Kara." Nia said, hoping for the best.

Meanwhile with Brainy~
So he's outside the delivery room in the hallway pacing around while fiddling with his ring. Nervous about being a father...
since Nia went into labor 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 20 seconds ago.
He's so worried for Her, hoping his wife will be ok. And that Isabel and Noah will be born.
he knows nothing about this...
And Nia is half-Human, and half-Naltorian. As well as Isabel and Noah being half-Human, half-Naltorian, and Half-Coluan.
So, far what he's been told. From what Nia saw in her dream.
He's worried that something terrible might go wrong. Nia could die?! or their kids won't survive!!!
John sensed Brainy was overwhelmed with the stress of almost being a father.

"Brainy, What's going on with you? Nia needs you." John asked concerned.

Brainy answered stressed out.

"I know John. It's just that, it hit me I'm about to be Father any minute now. And I'm worried about Nia, My daughter, and my son. What if something goes wrong? And what happens if I mess something up... Or'll I be a terrible father?" Brainy said while hyperventilating and overheating.

Alex, Kelly, and Lena, trying to calm him down. Tell him not to worry. But it didn't work.
John thought of a way to calm Brainy down and that's by using his powers to help him relax.

He nodded at Alex. Knowing exactly what to do.

"I'll handle this."

" I don't know if I can do this. I can't! I..." Brainy was cut off when John walked up to him...

grabbed his shoulders to stop his pacing and to stop himself from overheating his system.

"Brainy, stop! Calm down. John commanded. "Look at me. Everything will be ok. Just relax." His eyes glowed red when John said that.

Brainy felt relaxed and calmed down. His breathing slowed down a bit too.

"What'd you just do to him? John." Lena asked.
"I just helped him calm down. That's all." John replied.
"I thought he was half-computer?" Lena questioned.
"Exactly. Half." John answered.

Lena nodded in understanding, while Brainy quickly recovered from the effects of slight mind manipulation. He looked up at John and Lena, and blushed onto his cheeks. He was so embarrassed by the way he reacted like that. And the fact, John had to use his powers to calm him down.

He cleared his throat and said...

"Thank you, John. I really needed that. I-I... apologize for my outburst. creating such a scene. It's just... in less than 2hours. I'm just really nervous and afraid about being a father." Brainy said sadly. as he sat down in one of the waiting chairs outside the delivery room.

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