Unexpected Surprise!

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~{Chapter 1}~ *This chapter takes place where Brainy and Nia have been happily married for "2 years" now when something amazing, and unexpected happened! That they weren't prepared for... Some might say impossible! Brainy might say that once he finds out😉. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*four weeks later, in the morning*
*10:10 a.m.*
On a Saturday morning, Nia woke up having a headache and feeling nauseous.

*Nia's POV*
I lay in bed, with an aching headache While feeling nauseous like I was about to throw up... I covered my mouth with my hands. I quickly got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. Throwing up in the toilet on the floor. Once I was done I got up while looking in the mirror🪞and noticed that I gained weight in 4 weeks. Which didn't make any sense to me. I always stay in good shape and watched what I'm eating. Which could only mean that...

Nia paused in realization, she knew exactly what was happening to her. This wasn't a sickness or an hangover... This was something else. "Am I P-Pregnant? This would explain a lot. But it can't be possible... Right? Brainy told me that he wouldn't be able to give a child. Due to our species being incompatible with each other. And of course, I'm fine with that. Being married to him is enough for me. But now. I-I..." Nia questioned out loud to herself of the "impossible". She gasped feeling something moving inside her. And that's when she knew it was the baby kicking. She placed her hands where she felt it. Then, Nia knew it was possible for something like this to happen. Because it was a "miracle" happening inside her... just waiting to be brought into this world🌎. Nia smiles brightly feeling like a "mother" already. "How am I supposed to explain this to Brainy?" Nia thought. Knowing Brainy, he's gonna freak out and overreact to this unexpected news! Speaking of just in the kitchen, Brainy is making breakfast like he "always" does in the *morning*. Nia came out of the bedroom and then saw Brainy putting breakfast on the table. And just as he saw Nia (his lovely wife) was awake came out of the bedroom. He smiled. "Morning, Nia.
My lovely wife." Brainy said greeting her. "morning Brainy. My loveable husband." Nia said sweetly as a greeting. "Well, I'm glad. You're up Nia Nal, I made you breakfast." Brainy added with excitement showing his wife💙what he made for her on this beautiful morning. Nia sighed happily with a smile. "I can see that, Brainy, but there's something I want to tell you first. And you should probably sit down for this. This is really "big." She said ready to tell him the "unexpected news".

Then, they both sat on the couch together. Brainy looked at Nia with, a concerned look on his face while Wondering what she wanted to tell him before having breakfast. "Brainy, listen what I'm about to tell you is going to sound "impossible" So, don't freak out! Ok?" Nia said, to prepare Brainy for what she was about to tell him. He grabbed her hand and wrapped his hand in hers looking into her eyes. "Nia. Whatever it is... I won't freak out. Just tell me. What is it?" Brainy said in a soft comforting voice. Nia sighed. She knew that he was definitely going to freak out about this now. "Okay, umm... Brainy, I'm Pregnant." Nia finally said. Brainy's eyes widened in shock. At what his wife said. *** He was in shock trying to process the "news" that Nia had just told him. About her being pregnant. Honestly, neither of them expected this.
Nia knew this would happen. She began to wave her hand in front of him while snapping her fingers. "Oh my gods, I think I broke him." She thought. That's when she knew that this unexpected news was getting to him... then, Brainy snapped out of it. "You're W-What? That's impossible! Something like this... can't happen. Our species aren't incompatible with each other! Well, clearly not as predicted, but the genetic🧬pairings and the computer code in my system. Should not be able to combine under any circumstances. And to create something like a child. It is physically impossible!" Brainy said stressed out and panicking. Nia had a feeling he might react this way😅.
"Brainy, I told you not to freak out. I-I..." Nia said. He interrupted her and stood up, "How could I not freak out?! Nia, you're carrying a child with both of our abilities. There's an *80%* chance of something going wrong! What if the child doesn't survive, or you don't survive... What if-" Brainy said freaking out in tears. Nia saw him hyperventilating and Overheating. She knew what to do to comfort him
by telling her husband that everything would be "okay". She stood up, walked up to him slowly, and placed her hand on his cheek. And spoke to him in a comforting voice. Brainy felt Nia's warmth, he calmed down a bit and listened to her. "Hey, hey, Brainy. It's okay and I promise you that I'll be fine. Don't worry, Nothing "bad" is going to happen to me or our child. We always talked about creating our own future together, it might be impossible... based on your calculations. But what if it's possible for something as amazing as this to happen." Nia said wisely believing that anything is possible. Brainy gazed into Nia's eyes, hearing that made him smile and feel much "better". Nia saw his smile, and she knew that her heart-felt words would cheer him up. But not all the way. She hugged him lovely as his eyes widened, feeling her warmth wrapped around him and He hugged her back.

Nia broke the hug, as she felt the baby kick again. She placed her hands on her belly where she felt it. Like butterflies🦋fluttering in her stomach, feeling like tiny kicks inside her.... "Brainy I just felt the baby kick." Nia said softly. Brainy gasped when Nia told him that but he had to be sure. So, he placed his hand on Nia's belly to see if it were true. Brainy felt something moving inside of Nia's belly. Knowing that Nia was right! That it must be possible after all. Brainy smiles happily. Nia noticed his smile, which caused her to smile too. They gazed into each other's eyes and sat back down on the couch together. Brainy held Nia's hand wrapped in his. "I would like to apologize for my recent outburst. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I-I..." Brainy said softly being apologetic toward his actions at her earlier. Nia interrupted him with a "kiss" pressing her lips against his. He felt her warmth and kissed her back while closing his eyes, feeling the kiss and pull her in closer. Feeling each other's warmth.

They Broke the kiss and pulled away. Then, Brainy gazed into Nia's eyes as she gazed into his bright, brilliant eyes. "I suppose anything with you would be possible. Nia Nal." Brainy said. She smiled brightly, Brainy couldn't help but smile as well. They always smiled lovely at each other. If Nia was happy then of course he was too. Cause Brainy "always" wanted to have a "family" didn't think that it was possible. But the fact that it's with "Nia Nal" he couldn't be happier. "I want to help you through this. Nia, you're my wife, the mother of our child. And I the father of our child. Even though, this is something we both know nothing about... I want to help you in this whatever means necessary. For you and our child." Brainy said devotedly. Nia smiled as she laid her head on Brainy's shoulder lovely.

*I know that it's impossible for an Trans Women to bear a child. Let alone 2. But Nia is an Hybrid. So yeah!*

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