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~{Chapter 13}~*this chapter is about when Nia arrived home late around midnight to find Brainy (her husband). And her Kids passed out asleep. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night, around 3:25 in the morning*
Nia just got home from doing a lot of paperwork and published 2 articles at Catco. As She opened the door with her key🔑locked it once inside. took off her coat while hanging it up on the coat rack next to the door🚪. went into the kitchen to see that the dishes were done, and Isabel's and Noah's school lunches were made too. She also noticed Brainy had left her a note📝written in his handwriting that said.
"Hey, Nia. Dinner is in the fridge. Love, Brainy❤️.

Nia smiled brightly at Brainy note. She quietly made her way out of the kitchen to check on Isabel and Noah. She carefully, and quietly, opened the door🚪to see her 2 beautiful children sound asleep in bed. She smiled while giving them each a kiss on the forehead and whispering into their little ears to say. "Sweet Dreams. My little ones," Nia said softly to her children. As she sensed them having wonderful dreams. Seeing things... especially, Isabel's dream. Seeing her dreaming something extraordinary and impossible! As both smiled in their sleep sensing their mother's presence and feeling her touch on their foreheads. Which caused Nia to smile the brightest smile on her face looking at them sweetly.

Nia quietly walked out of the room and closed the door gently when she saw her lovely husband was asleep😴on the couch.
She smiled seeing him sleep soundly and peacefully like that. Then, sat beside him and lightly kissed Brainy on the cheek.
As she laid her head on his shoulder lovely and fell asleep too.

Brainia💚💙One-Shots: Life as Parents! Where stories live. Discover now