Brainy💚the "Substitute Teacher"

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~{Chapter 18}~*This chapter is about when Isabel and Noah's math🔢Teacher "Mr. Richwood" is out sick and will be out for *2 weeks* and the Principal personally asks Brainy to sub in for his class since all of the other substitute teachers are unavailable or otherwise busy😅. And of course, his answer is a "Yes" to teaching his kid's class, he always wanted to be able to inspire young minds! However, Isabel didn't like the idea of her father teaching her math class.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

So ever since a month ago, when Brainy quit his job at the DEO to be a better father to his children. He's been too clingy and protective of Nia, Isabel, and Noah... like a lot! It was driving them all crazy and they just wanted some space... as his wife suggested he started looking for a new job but Brainy didn't want to cause he thought💭of being a father as a job😅.

*In the morning*
*10:00 a.m.*
"But Nia, being a father to our children is a responsible job! And I love every second of every day of it. Besides, I don't want to disappoint Isabel and Noah if I'm not available," Brainy said out loud stating the facts of parenting being a real job to his wife. But she had other ideas on the topic... truth be told, Nia loved❤️him to pieces! Even though he gets on her nerves sometimes😅 that's "Love" cause when you love somebody devotedly with all your heart. That means you love all of their flaws too... good or bad. No matter what! "I know you do. Brainy and you could never let them down 'cause you are their father and they love you so much! As I love you in ways that I could possibly imagine," Nia said sweetly with a bright, big, beautiful smile on her face loving to see Brainy's soft side of how much he loves & cares for their children and telling him how much she loves him with all of her heart💙. She added. "But you can't keep doing this! Just Stop, worrying about them so much... get a grip! Isabel and Noah are both brilliant, extraordinary children for their age who don't need to be watched every 24/7 of the day. Besides, I think having a job would be good for you." Nia said out loud expressing her feelings to convince Brainy to let their kids go once in a while... smiling at the end of her sentence.

He nodded with a smile and said. "You're right, Nia. But I already tried that and none of the jobs I interviewed for... were close to my levels of experience in work. So, what should I do?" Brainy said admitting that his wife had a point about getting a "new job" and told her that he'd already tried job searching and failed😓terribly while asking Nia's help on what he should do now. She sighed annoyed while coming back inside to give her husband some advice on job-hunting and hoping that he'll take it😅. "Okay, Brainy, look I can't tell you what job to get... that's your choice/call to make. Even though I'm your wife, just find what best suits you." Nia said with passion❤️giving Brainy advice on finding🔎a new job. Which helped him quite a lot! "Thanks for the advice, Nia. That's exactly what I needed to hear," Brainy said softly with a smile😊grateful for her wise advice that was very helpful to him. "Of course, Brainy. We're partners and we have a family now! We're in this together. You and I," Nia said sweetly happy to help her husband, and told him that they'll always have each other's backs no matter what As she continued on saying💬. "Anyway, I gotta get to *Catco* before I'm late... but you will pick up Isabel and Noah at school today?" Nia said softly in a sweet voice letting him know that she had to go to work before Miss Grant got angry with her for being a minute late😅. Also, she asked her husband, Brainy if he could pick up their kids after school since she'll be busy tonight at work. Her boss has one rule if her reporters come in late to work... and that's by working late tonight to make up for their absences. But I'm sure Kara will cut Nia some slack for being a few minutes late! "Of course, I will. Nia, our kids mean the absolute world🌎to me!" Brainy said ecstatically and was happy to do it while giving her a kiss on the cheek and wishing his wife to have a "good day" at work today.

Then, Nia left after she did. Brainy sat down on the couch thinking💭about what he wanted for his "new job" to be... and when he tried that his mind just went blank! He tried even harder while focusing his concentration on one thing until it got interrupted by a phone call... he heard his mobile phone ringing📳which caught him completely by surprise not expecting anyone to call at this time of the day! It was the school calling and then Brainy quickly answered it without thinking straight cause he had this crazy idea in his head that something bad/terrible happened to his kids... since the school was calling his personal cell number and not the home phone😓. So, yeah! He jumped to conclusions assuming the worst happened😰.

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