Merry Christmas🎁🎄

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~{Special Chapter}~*Merry Christmas everyone, and happy holidays! I hope you like this, special chapter because it's about Family and Friends and the holidays. Also, it's Isabel and Noah's first time going to a Christmas🎄🎁party🎊 at Aunt Kara's place which is filled with Christmas cheer, drinks🥂🍻, food, and fun games🎲🃏🧩♟️ tonight🌃. Enjoy!*

*In National🏙City, on Christmas Day*
*8:30 a.m.*
It's a beautiful snowy🌨day and everyone in the city human & alien alike is enjoying the holidays in their own way. Such as spending time with their families by opening presents🎁and sipping hot chocolate☕️to keep warm on such a cold🥶day! The Superfriends are doing the same thing too. Speaking of Brainy💚and Nia💙... are on the couch🛋️ together snuggling by the fireplace🔥to be warm while watching their two adorable, intelligent children open their gifts🎁🎁by the tree🎄trying to use their powers to predict what's inside. Luckily, Brainy knew Isabel and Noah would try something like that as they do every year😅... as he made a harmless device to disrupt that. That only lasted an hour! Brainy loved seeing the surprised looks on their little faces and Nia felt the same way too. Both being parents and all.
"Wow! This is just what I asked for," Isabel said excitedly after unwrapping her Christmas present she got from mom revealed to be a
"high tech dream🌀night light" that would help her sleep😴at night🌃when having a nightmare👁‍🗨. Which made her smile😊brightly with joy in her heart🩵. "Yeah, me too. Sis, I've got just what I wanted!" Noah said with excitement after unwrapping his Christmas gift from Dad revealed to be a "high tech gamer controller🎮" that was personalized with his initials *N.D.* on the front. He just loved it when his father made one-of-a-kind gifts for special occasions like this! "Thank you, Mom and Dad!" Isabel and Noah said excitedly in unison looking at their parents while thanking them for their amazing, unique, and thoughtful gifts. Later tonight, Kara is hosting this year's Christmas Day party and everyone is invited! "You're welcome, MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Brainy and Nia replied in unison to their children with excitement. "And guess what you two... you're invited to Aunt Kara's Christmas Party!" Nia said softly leaning down on both of her knees and telling them the exciting news about tonight. "Yay!" Isabel and Noah said excitedly in unison for Aunt Kara's party and couldn't wait to see their two *besties* "Esme Danvers, and Jacob Jonzz" there tonight🌙.

*At Kara's Christmas party*
*7:00 p.m.*
Everyone arrived at the party and were having a great time! As the kids were playing board games and the adults were sipping "Egg Nog" laced with vodka in their drinks while talking💬. "This is an amazing party! Kara, you really outdone yourself." Nia said excitedly while feeling the effects of the alcohol🥂😅. "Oh, thanks! Nia, I appreciate the kind words. You know it only took me a few minutes... Super speed helps," Kara said softly. Then the conversation gets deeper as it begins to get darker out... Some guests leave with their children taking them home since it is past their bedtime. Such as John, and Magann taking their son home and Alex and Kelly taking their daughter home as well while wishing their friends "A Merry Christmas" which leaves Brainy and Nia with their kids but strangely Isabel and Noah still had a lot of energy✨and weren't tired at all! So, they decided to stay a little longer. Which Kara was totally "okay" with!

*10:30 p.m.*
Brainy and Nia were on the balcony watching the snow fall on such a beautiful starry🌌night🌙. Until they noticed there was a mistletoe above them as she asked the obvious question😅. "Uh, Brainy. Is that a mistletoe?" she questioned softly while looking up and seeing it.
"I believe it is... Nia," he said softly looking up as well and confirming that it was in fact "true". "So, should we?... you know," Nia asked sweetly in a flirtatious tone signaling her husband if they should "kiss" under the mistletoe right here, right now. "Yes," Brainy said immediately in a soft voice wanting to do that. They looked at each other with love in their eyes😍and leaned into a passionate❤️kiss pressing their lips against one another while wrapping their arms around each other and pulling closer into the kiss. As they were doing that outside😏... their kids were inside with Kara and Lena while she showed them one of her "Winter❄️wonderland" spells she'd been working on just for the occasion. And Isabel and Noah both loved it!

*An hour later*
Brainy and Nia walked back inside Kara's apartment to see their kids passed out on her couch both all tuckered out as Kara and Lena were right beside Isabel and Noah while watching them sleep soundly💤until they both saw their parents and said to their two best friends to keep quiet. "Shhh... they're sleeping, inside voices," Kara said in a soft voice whispering to Brainy and Nia to be quiet so they wouldn't wake up their children. "They're finally asleep," Nia said quietly as she sat beside Kara placing her hand on Isabel's forehead sensing that her daughter was dreaming✨. "They look so cute when they're sleeping," Lena commented💬softly on Isabel and Noah's "cuteness". Kara nodded in agreement and said. "Yeah, they're adorable. Especially, Isabel with her eyes moving in her sleep😴. Like she's dreaming of the "Impossible," Kara said softly looking at them sweetly while wondering in her mind what it would be like if she had kids of her own.
Brainy commented. "Yes, absolutely. She's just like her mother," he said looking at Nia, his wife. Which caused Nia to smile brightly at her husband when he said that. "Well, it's getting late and we should probably get these little ones home," Nia said softly looking at the time🕦 on her phone📱to get Isabel and Noah tucked into bed at home before morning🌅. Brainy agreed with her and thought the same thing too.

*At Brainy and Nia's apartment*
They just got home an hour ago and put Isabel and Noah into their beds while both kissing them on the forehead and saying "Goodnight" and "Sweet dreams✨" and then they sat on the couch together💚💙while holding hands and said💬💬to each other. "This really was the "Best Christmas Ever" Brainy," Nia said softly laying her head on his shoulder. He smiled brightly and said. "I love you, Nia," Brainy said lovely to her. "And I love you too, Brainiac-5," Nia said looking into his bright, brilliant eyes and giving him a kiss on the cheek to express her feelings about today of all days. Because it really was the "Best Christmas Ever"!

*Happy December, everyone! And have a good day🏙 or good night🌃depending on when you're reading this chapter...
I hope you enjoyed reading📖this.*

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