Lost Control

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~{Chapter 10}~ *this chapter is about when Noah's ancestral memory kicked in for the first time. It happened at school in the courtyard, when Isabel and Noah were playing during recess when 2 bullies were picking on his sister Making fun of her for not being as Smart as her brother is anymore. and pushed her to the ground. But she's fine and heals quickly. Noah saw that he was overwhelmed with his emotions and became emotionless and only focused on logic. Isabel saw what was happened to him. She feared the worst and knew that she had to tell Mom and Dad about this.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Isabel came bursting through the front door in tears💦.
"Mom. Dad. NOAH. H-HE'S IN DANGER!" She said with fear in her eyes.
They immediately stood up from the couch as their eyes widened in shock.
Isabel explained to them what happened at School today.
Nia and Brainy nodded in understanding, and quickly suited up.
followed Their daughter outside into the streets. To see Noah downtown emotionless.
He stood there in silence. "Noah. NOAH!" Nia yelled out to her son Hoping he'll hear her voice.
Brainy looked at his wife, seeing her, and Heard her yell out to their son to bring Him back to his senses.
he never truly wanted this for him... To be emotionless like he once was in his Dark past. And his evil ancestors.
Noah is just like his father... In so many ways Possible.

Isabel Saw her mom try so hard to reach out to her brother like that.
She added. "I don't think he can hear you," Isabel said.
Nia replied. "I'm his mother. He better hear me," she said softly as turned to her daughter.
"Noah!" Dreamer cried out to Noah again. But Noah didn't answer. he didn't even care.
No matter how many times... She yelled out loud to her son. It was no good. Just only silence.
And Brainy knew what his son was going through (100%).

Isabel knew she had to be the one to help Noah. After all, he was only this way because of her. His ancestral memory
Was triggered when she was Picked on at school. And he acted on it! To protect and defend her like any brother would do for their sister!
Which Caused him to turn off his emotions from Feeling so much pain. Nia was about to yell one more time Until her daughter stopped her.
"Mom, Wait! Hold on. Let me do this. I think I know how to get through to him." Isabel said determined and knew exactly what to do.
Brainy began thinking about how Isabel is planning on getting through to Noah.
"Of course, that's it!" Brainy said energetically.
Nia turned to her husband. Knowing he had an idea.
What is it? Brainy." Dreamer asked.

"Isabel, she's planning on talking to Noah While using her dream powers.
Since being hurt or in danger won't work. She heals quickly cause of her hyper-metabolism ability.
And Noah knows that." Brainy answered smartly. "Yeah, You're right." She said softly while agreeing with him.
He nodded in agreement. Of course, he's right! She is married to a 12th-level-Intelligent after all.
What she except... And their son is a 12th-level-Intelligent too.

"Noah stop this right now!! listen to me. This isn't you! I know you.
And you are not this person..." She paused.

Noah smiled wickedly and laughed. "You're words mean nothing to me... Dear Sister, I'm emotionless.
I feel no pain. Not even seeing you in danger will realign me. And you heal fast. Besides you don't have your
differential calculus anymore! Unlike I do. There's a 0% chance of saving me." Noah said logically.
"That may be true. Noah." Isabel said as she walked up to him to make a point.
She continued. "But I found new ways of being Smart. Mom, Dad, and even
You showed me that it's not in the brain that makes you who you are. But
In the heart❤️." Isabel said inspiring as she placed her hand on her chest Where her heart🩵 is.

"What? No. That's not... True-e. That's impossible!!!
Only facts. Not..." Noah said unable to process this.
"You're my brother, I love you. You were there for me when I needed you and now I am here for you." Isabel said Lovely While placing her hand on her brother's cheek as her hand glowed blue🌀with her dream energy Showing him previous memories and saying...
"You were there for me with my dream interpretation training.
You told me that you would be there for me. Always.
No matter what. El Mayarah!" Isabel's voice echoed in Noah's brain.

After seeing and hearing all that.
Noah felt like he couldn't move...
couldn't speak.
"I-I... no. Emotions... T-They're... overflowing..."
He began speaking in multiple distorted voices.
When looking at his sister, his mom and Dad.

Emotions began overflowing, as well as memories considering what he had done.
And just like that Noah was realigned again... And back to his old self!

"Isabel, I-I'm so Sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said... I wasn't myself... I-I...
He got interrupted by his sister. As She immediately hugged him.
Sensing that he got his emotions back And was back to his old self again!
Thanks to her dream powers and heartfelt words.

"It's okay, Noah. I know that wasn't you." Isabel said comforting her brother.
As their parents joined in on the hug too. And all went to go home...
{To be continued}~ *I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
sorry if it was a very short chapter.*

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