Nia Taken?!...

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~{Chapter 3o}~*This chapter is when Dreamer🌀gets kidnapped when on "patrol" and she gets ambushed by a bad guy from behind who knocks her out "cold" after their epic fight. He seeks a *Naltorian💙secret artifact* the "Phoenix Bell" that grants anyone who touches it... has the power of creation and destruction hidden in a "secret" cave hidden in a mine. Much like a genie🧞but more dangerous💥! Meaning, the end of the World🌎. Will Brainy and the "Superfriends" ever find🔎her and bring her home before that happens? I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at Night🌃, in National🏙️City on top of a rooftop*
*11:30 p.m.*
Nia as "Dreamer" was patrolling the city🏙tonight by herself💙watching over her "fair city" like a guardian angel while feeling the wind in her silky brown hair. Until someone snuck up behind her walking slowly to the Naltorian *hero* to get the drop on her! Meaning, the element of "surprise". As her *dream🌀powers✨* warned her about the unexpected attack and immediately grabbed his arm and pushed the bad guy down to the ground and then quickly got up shaking off the pain. Then, they were in an all-out fight! "Who are you?!" Dreamer shouted out as she jumped into the air with all her might and blasted out a powerful💥dream🌀blast in mid-air but he immediately dodged her attack and said to Dreamer for dramatic effect. "No one. Just need to ask you a few questions." He said softly with a wicked evil smile.
"And you bring your weapons to all your conversations?" Nia asked playfully as she summoned an ounce of dream energy into both hands ready to strike the "bad guy" down if he made any sudden moments. "Yes as a matter of fact, I do. Miss Nal, if people don't give me the information that I desire." He said for dramatic effect while holding an dagger🗡️in his hands and touched wickedly like it was a cat that he knew her *secret identity* to scare her. She gasped in complete shock that he knew her identity. "You know who I am?" Nia questioned softly. "Yes, I know your identity. And I know a lot more than just who you are. I seek the "Phoenix Bell" I'm sure your mother "Isabel Nal" has told you. And the secret of its power," Aaron Smith said confirming that he did know her and mentioned wanting to know about a secret actifact of the Nal Family line that could grant anyone who touched it with untold power known to man and alien kind. "So, that's what this is about. You want the Phoenix Bell to gain the power of "Creation" & "Destruction". That is out of the question! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to shift the balance of the universe with that kind of power?!! So, I refuse to give you that kind of information about my species's greatest, powerful and dangerous artifact/weapon. That secret will die with me til the end of time," Dreamer shouted out wisely speaking like a true Naltorian Woman in protecting her mother's home planet's *secrets* at all "costs" no matter what. "Exactly! Dreamer, To control that kind of power... who wouldn't want that?" he said loudly stating the facts of wanting that kind of *power* to control👁‍🗨everything in the whole universe🌌and be the most powerful being in the world🌎. "Someone who is selfless and reckless! You are not worthy of the ancient📜Naltorian💙power✨💥... it took "years" for someone who first wielded it to control its power. It's one of the reasons why it's been locked away for *centuries* to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Besides, you're male... and only a Woman of pure heart can possess this "power". Dreamer said fearlessly warning him of the dangers of ancient Naltorian power that was lost for decades in standing up for what is right as a "hero" Then, she summoned her dream🌀energy "lasso" into one hand and charged in at the bad guy but fighting like a "Warrior" but it wasn't enough... as he used one of his *fighting techniques* on her to knock her out "cold".
"You put up a good fight. Nia💙Nal, Dreamer, but I'm stronger. And I'll be taking you with "me" until I get the information and location of the secret tomb of the "Phoenix Bell" magical✨*artifact🔔* I seek that grants, anyone mystical powers of old to create and destroy." Aaron Smith said evilly knocking her out cold while saying his bad-guy monologue out loud. Then, he grabbed Dreamer and took her to his secret hideout until Nia gave him what he wants or else.

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