First day of High School!

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~{Chapter 22}~*This chapter is about when Years have passed by as Isabel and Noah have just turned 16 and 17 in their teen years and they are attending NC High School for their first day But their parents still worry cause it isn't easy and can be hard, challenging for them... as Nia had some bad experience when she was in high school around their age and she only wanted the best for them. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

It's a new year! Isabel and Noah are now teenagers they will be attending *High School* and they're very excited about it too... well, except that Nia is a little worried about them on their first day of school at "NC High" cause they don't know about the challenges they may face there... Brainy thought that she might be overreacting a bit😅but Nia had her reasons why cause she had the same experience in high school around their age good and bad that is. The Bad part was to guys were not interested in dating her and kinda was judged and liked as a "Transgender Woman" The good part was that she made friends who accepted her for who she was. And Nia is just hoping that her kids can have the same experience but in a "good" way... So, she had a talk with Isabel and Noah about how High School isn't going to be easy. "Okay, remember that. Just don't take what people say personally... especially, with you both being the first species of "Naltorian🌀and Coluan💚Hybrid" cause some kids will neither accept you for who you are or they won't and that's okay. Most importantly, have a good first day and stay "true" to yourself. Never let anyone tell you any different." Nia said wisely giving her kids motherly advice on *High School* so they'll be prepared for the unexpected of others making fun of them for being "different" and having a great first day. "Okay, Mom. We understand," Isabel said softly understanding as Noah nodded in agreement and said the same thing too. "That's good, I'm glad to hear it. Well, you two better get going... you two don't want to be late for school," she said softly glad that they understood while getting up from the couch and suggesting that the both of them head out to school now before their late. Luckily, they can just fly there since alien teens with *flight abilities* are now allowed to use that to their advantage instead of driving a car🚘, parent drop-off, walking👣, or even taking the
bus🚌. So, Isabel and Noah immediately left and sped out of the apartment building flying fast in the direction of *NC High* which is really close to where they lived so they were completely late and were right on time actually😅😉.

Brainy overheard their conversation💬as he waved "bye" to Isabel and Noah in wishing them a good first day of *High School* today.
"You worry too much, Nia, they'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?" Brainy said positively with excitement. "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about," Nia said softly with a nervous look while looking up at her husband worried about their kids but tried to think positively hoping that everything would work out for them in the end today.

*At NC High School*
*7:10 a.m.*
Isabel and Noah just flew in landing on the school grounds while fixing their hair and looked to see other Alien teenagers doing the same thing too. They both walked inside casually wanting to make a "good first impression" since their mom so vaguely told them😅.
Teachers, students, and staff were looking at them as they were passing through the hallways and whispering gossip about them being two species in one of the same but they just shook their heads and ignored their snarky comments cause it doesn't matter what others think about them... it's what they think of themselves and Isabel and Noah loved being who they are inside and out. And that was enough for them! But luckily, they have two best-friends who like them as they are such as "Esme Danvers" and "Jacob Jonzz" they all meet up with each other in the hallway by chit-chatting as a fun Friends group and then Esme and Jacob walk off heading to their *first period* since it's on the other side of the school😅. Leaving Isabel and Noah alone as they opened their new lockers for the first time with a "thumbprint scan" that is new to all high schools in the District that replaced *lock combination* and put their textbooks inside...

until Isabel spotted a "cute" alien teenage boy with blonde wavy hair and began to stare at him lovely while hearing a "love song" in her head feeling butterflies🦋in her stomach. That's when she knew this was what having a crush😍on someone felt like. But for some reason, it felt more than that like she was falling in love❤️with him. It was like "Love" at First Sight," she thought. "I'm thinking of trying out for the football team today after school," Noah asked out of the blue. *** She didn't answer due to being "starstruck" staring off into space with her head in the clouds☁️. "Isabel? Hey," He said waving his hand in front of her to snap her out of the trace she was in. Then, she quickly snapped out of it and said. "Oh, sorry. Noah, I was... uh, daydreaming✨." She said softly still feeling loopy but "perfectly fine" and deeply in love❤️with a guy⚡️she hadn't quite met yet or knew that well😅. "Uh, are you okay?" Noah asked his sister out of curiosity with a worried look in his eyes with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I think I'm in "love"," Isabel answered softly feeling lovey-dovey inside seeing anime hearts💕around her while thinking💭about the guy she was totally crushing😍on/falling hard for🥰. "Love? I don't understand..." Noah questioned softly in confusion while looking at the guy she was staring at. Isabel sighed having a feeling that her brother wouldn't understand the "feeling" cause "Love is an emotion that is not thinking with your head or brain... it's listening to your heart and falling head over heels for someone is no feeling like it! It just happens all on its own without even realizing it or wanting it to happen cause it just does.
That's LOVE I guess!" Isabel explained that to him in her own words but he still didn't get it since Noah doesn't know the feeling of being in "love" with someone and never has been in the first place... except for *Middle School* when he was 14 years old in love with a girl but it ended badly😓. So now, he's just trying to find the right Woman for his "soulmate" but he hasn't found her yet maybe someday he will😉.

Isabel sighed sweetly daydreaming about him and wondered what his name was... "Hey, Logan Ranzz! How is it?!" A human jock said excitedly giving off a "bro vibe" high fiving his friend for catching up with him that let out a small electrifying shock naked to the eye. But Isabel saw it clear as day as her eyes widened in shock at the mention of his name... and then realized she couldn't fall for him because it would change the timeline, and the future, Due to *his family* in the *31st Century* based on her father's friends in that time... "Oh, my gosh. I can't believe this I have a crush on him... and I'm falling in love with "Logan Ranzz" Sprock! This is a disaster... I can't. I won't," Isabel said emotionally spiraling in panic of fear of messing up the timeline. Noah chuckled🤭. "Wow, I guess history repeats itself in our family." He said. "No, don't you see Noah, this isn't about my love life anymore... it's bad. Real bad!" She stated the worst-case scenario of the situation right now is if she lets her emotions of "Love" get the best of her. "True, Or it could be great... just look at our parents, they got their happily ever after and I think it's in the cards for you too. Don't you deserve that kinda happiness?" Noah said softly stating their Parent's love story of how they first started out and wanted his sister to be happy for once in her lifetime cause she's always taking care of others, never herself. Isabel sighed sadly. "I don't know, Maybe?" She said unsure. Then, all of a sudden the bell rang to alert the students to get to class right away or they'll be marked tardy. "Come on, let's go! History is our first period. Oh, and by the way I think you should try out for the football🏈team cause they could use someone like you... you'll do great I know it!" Isabel said optimistically in getting to class quickly while encouraging Noah to try out for the football after school and thought he'd be amazing at it. "Really? You think so," Noah questioned if it really was a good idea. She nodded in agreement while running casually beside him.

*After school*
*3:30 p.m.*
Isabel and Noah just got back home with good news as they told their parents that he tried out for the "football🏈team" and made the team... as for his sister she has joined the "Cheer squad" and become a Cheerleader after showing off her *team spirit* and acrobatic moves with pom-poms in perfect balance, flexibility, strength, acrobatics skills, and optimism for cheer📣, also, devotion towards her routine and the cheer captain loved her passion, and excitement thinking that she'll make a great cheerleader to the NC cheer squad. But Isabel had other exciting news that she just couldn't tell them as Brainy and Nia were both very proud of their kids and glad that they had a "great" first day and I guess she really had nothing to worry about after all! Because in the end, everything worked okay.

~{To be continued}~*Short chapter, sorry😅.*

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