The Pressure:

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~{Chapter 37}~*This chapter is about when Isabel has doubts about herself and the "pressure" of being the Next Dreamer after her mother (Nia Nal) the current *dreamer* is really getting to her... so, she decides to do some studying📚📖on *dream🌀symbols* in her Naltorian💙books📘today to do better in her training. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*On a Saturday afternoon, at the Dox Family Apartment in the living room*
*2:00 p.m.*
Isabel was reading her Naltorian Dream symbol books while flipping through the pages of her Dream Interpretation books📚. She was on her fouth book now as her eyes went back and forth speed-reading through every single page to gain the knowledge she needed to do better in her dream interpretation *training*. "You still have a lot to learn. Isabel, after all, you're still Sixteen. You are young and it'll take time for you to master your dreaming powers sweetheart so, don't rush on it. Take it one step at a time... I know you'll get there "one day". Besides,
dream🌀realm can be very tricky and unpredictable. So, be careful. You may be intelligent and read lots of books📚on Dream interpretation. You get that from your father, but mastering the dream world and your powers will take some time." Her mom echoes inside Isabel's head speaking in a soft wise voice to her that she still has a lot to learn about being the next "Dreamer" in yesterday's training. She sighed sadly "lost" in thought💭wondering if she'll ever be able to live up to her mother's legacy. "Will I be ever as Amazing as my mom is as a "Dreamer"? I mean She did say something about having a vision of me in the future as the dreamer becoming one of the world's intelligence and powerful "heroes". I wonder if I'll ever come to be an amazing inspiring Hero like "her" and my dad too. I guess time will tell..." Isabel thought to herself in doubt as she closed her book📘taking a break from studying the dream symbols for today and hopefully tomorrow she'll nail it in her training!

Noah came out of their bedroom holding one of his latest inventions that could help Earth's problems with pollution and is "perfect" for the school's science fair this weekend. "Hey, sis, I just finished my latest invention for the Science Fair in "two weeks" and I-I... uh," He💚said ecstatically to show off his invention to his sister🩵and then paused at the sight of Isabel on the couch🛋️with a sad look in her eyes staring at her Dream Interpretation book. "No, I'm not. Noah, I just..." Isabel said. Until the TV came on as their Aunt Kara was at the crime scene of the latest attack where their parents just saved the day once again! "This is Kara Danvers Editor in chief of "Catco" and ace reporter coming to you *live* in the streets of National🏙City with Dreamer and Brainiac-5 who just saved our "fair city" tonight!
So, tell us what's it like to be a "hero"? I can speak for myself but what are your thoughts??" Kara said on the TV to her two best friends with a bomb-dropping question interviewing them to tell everyone at home their answer. "It's all in a workday of Teamwork when under pressure!" Dreamer commented speaking into the CatCo microphone🎤speaking out the honest truth of what it means to be a "Hero". "And love❤️that is," Brainy commented sweetly eying Dreamer while flirting with his wife for everyone to know that she was taken and spoken for😉. She giggled with a smile. Then, they headed out together holding hands like the power couple that is. Dreamer and Brainy ran side by side with each other💙💚going straight home for the night🌃.

"So, they're you have it! National City is saved once again. This is "Kara Danvers" AKA Supergirl signing off for the day... Have a wonderful day everyone!" Kara as Editor-in-Chief and ace reporter said into the camera giving her final report for the night🌃and ending tonight's latest SuperFriends news.

"They make it look so easy," Isabel commented softly with a sad look on her face feeling doubtful about herself if she'll ever be a great "hero" someday like her parents on the TV are. "Sis, don't talk like that. You know that our parents have been doing this hero stuff for a long time now. Our father was more than our mother, after all, he did train her! Besides, you're still learning so, don't give up "hope" I know one day in the future✨you'll make an amazing hero." Noah said comforting his sister that she'll make a great, amazing hero "someday". She smiled. "Thanks, Noah, that's exactly what I needed to hear," Isabel said positively as she hugged him for cheering her up as any "brother" would do for his "sister"! He hugged her back and said. "Of course. Isabel, what are brothers for!" Noah said.

(To be continued?) Short Chapter, sorry😅.*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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