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The Next Day>>>
3rd Person POV:
The younger woke up then starts yawning & stretching. She groaned in pain bcuz of the hangover.

She then looked around then realized she's in someone else's home.

Her eyes widened then she looked down. She has only a bra on. She lifted up the blanket & saw that she's still wearing her zipper skirt.

She sighed in relief. She looked beside her and saw a cold-looking lady sleeping next to her.

She quickly got up and grabbed her clothes. She wore her clothes and was about to opened the door.

" Where are you going, baby?? "

Ryujin turned back to see awoken Chaeryeong who has a cold look on her face.

" Did you just call me baby?? " the younger asked. " Yea, so?? Is it wrong to call my wife, baby?? " the older asked.

Ryujin eyes widened. " My WiFE??!! " she screamed. The older roll her eyes.

" Yes, you are " Chaeryeong said.

" I what I uh How???!! "

Chaeryeong sighed then got up to get something from her coat. She showed Ryujin a completed signed marriage contract.

Ryujin's jaw dropped. Chaeryeong lifted her chin up.

" don't do that. You'll catch flies " she said.

" OMG did I really sign that??? " Ryujin asked. The older nodded.

" Then I wanna divorce next week " Ryujin said.

Chaeryeong chuckled darkly which scares Ryujin.

" ok, but I gotta warned you. If we divorced, I'll take away everything you've got cuz I'm very rich while you're not " Chaeryeong said with a smirk.

Ryujin wanna cry right now. " OMG this can't be happening " she said.

" This si happening right now "

The older wrapped her arms around Ryujin's waist. Ryujin tried to pushed the older away but the older was too strong for her small hands.

Then, Ryujin suddenly remembered the who thing from last night. Her drunk self marrying to this Rich stranger. She remembered the whole blurry memory.

" WhERe ARe wE GoINg??? " the drunken younger asked. " Well, we're going to be wives like you wanted " Chaeryeong said while driving.

" YaYYyYYYyyyyy " Ryujin said. Chaeryeong was just smirking with satisfaction.

They both made it to church and Chaeryeong carried Ryujin in bridal style.

" Listen we're getting married, where's the marriage contract?? " the older asked coldly. The man gulp then quickly brought out a marriage contract.

Chaeryeong signed it and the younger also sign it. The man lead them to the priest.

" Father, they're here to get married " the man said.

" At Night?! " the priest said.

" yes " the older said sternly. The priest gulp then nodded.

" Ok then umm what's your name, dear?? "

" Lee Chaeryeong "

The older looked at the drunken younger. " what's your name, baby?? " she asked.

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