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Ryujin parked her car outside of the cafe then hopped out of the car immediately. She locked her car then she walked into the cafe where Chaeyeon ask her to meet at.

She sighed.

" Now, where's that lady, hm " Ryujin said, squinting her eyes to spot that exact someone clearly. She turned her head left to right then finally saw the older that looks like Chaeryeong, sitting at the corner with cakes and cups on the table.

She found her then walked up to her table and knocked on it to gain their older's attention from her phone. She tilted her head then saw Ryujin.

" Hey, um you came. Pls sit. I've also ordered a cake and coffee for you " she said.

Ryujin immediately sat down then gulped down the coffee but not the whole thing.

" Yea, sooooooo what are we gonna talk about?? " the younger asked with a eyebrow raised.

" Oh um, I-i just wanna apologize for how I was last time " the older said.

" Honestly, I'm a caring pure softie according to my family and fans. I've never meant to be a....pervert and all flirty. I've just never experienced getting a girlfriend and being loved by someone besides my fans and family. For my opinion, I've always thought that everyone love me bcuz of my looks or they just want my wealth " the older said, looking at her folded hands.

The younger's eyes gone softened as she heard that the older was struggling having no one to love romantically.

" Oh un I've never knew you were that depressed or stressed " Ryujin said with some sympathy.

" Nah, it's ok. Speaking of love, I've got a girlfriend " Chaeyeon said with a bright smile. Ryujin's face lit up and clapped her hands.

" That's great, unnie " she said.

" Hehe aww thanks. Oh but there's  also another thing that I wanna talk about.... " the older said.

" What is it then?? "

" Um it's about your ex-wife.. " Chaeyeon said, hung her head low.

" Oh... Tell me about Chaeryeong unnie "

The older sighed then looked at the younger. " So, ever since you both divorced.. She has been not like herself. She cried every night to sleep, often skipped meals, looking like she has beaten up and locking herself in her room. Well, that's what Yeji told me " Chaeyeon said.

Ryujin's eyes begun to be teary, her heart just broke into pieces after hearing that the fox-like girl was suffering.

" Did she ever moved on?? " the younger asked.

Chaeyeon shook her head then tears begun to rolled down Ryujin's cheeks. She covered her eyes with her sweater paws.

"Oh my god " the younger said, still crying.

Chaeyeon sighed then took Ryujin's hands away from her face.

" Ryujin-yah, look at me "

The younger obeyed then tilted her head to look at the older.

" I know this is hard. For God's sake, I'm her sister. Do you love her?? " Chaeyeon asked then caressed the younger's hands.

Ryujin hung her head low then looked at her again.

" Well, yes. I've missed her touch, kisses and mostly her voice. I've cried multiple times and keep blaming her for getting us to divorce " she said.

Chaeyeon nodded. " Well, you shouldn't be blaming her all that. She's also going through the same thing. She loves you so dearly, Ryujin-yah. And you love her too. I'm not forcing you both to get together again so it's up to you and ur decision " the older said, pulled her hands away.

Ryujin looked at the table, basically thinking about her own decision as her love life is on the line. Desperately wanting the older back, she nodded then smiled.

" You know what. Yes, I still love her and I'm willing to get her back, no matter what or who got involved " Ryujin said proudly, eating the whole cake then stood up.

" Thanks, unnie and congrats on  the new girlfriend " Ryujin said.

" Oh no problem and thanks " Chaeyeon said with a smile.

Ryujin then walked out of the cafe then hopped right in her car and drove away. But she didn't noticed that someone was watching her secretly.


Yeji and Chaeryeong walked out of the ice cream parlor with a chocolate ice cream and a coffee flavored ice cream.

" Hm you're right. It does make me feel good " Chaeryeong said, eating her chocolate ice cream.

" Heh, I'm always right when it comes to relationship and breakups " Yeji replied proudly.

" Wanna take a walk for awhile?? Cuz you really look like you need some fresh air "

Chaeryeong nodded so now they both walked on the street in the city without Chaeryeong's car. They both walked and walked and walked until they arrived at a cafe.

Yeji then spotted someone who's very very familiar. She tapped Chaeryeong's shoulder aggressively.

" Oww what's that about?? " she asked. Yeji pointed inside of the cafe.

" Isn't that your sister with Ryujin?? " the older asked.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened then looked closely inside the cafe and then she found them.

Chaeyeon and Ryujin were smiling, talking and being touchy for Chaeryeong's opinion. Chaeryeong was watching the scene and she suddenly felt like giving up all her energy and her hopes for Ryujin to be in her arms again.

She sighed in defeat, hung her head low then walked back to Yeji and buried her head into Yeji's neck. Yeji felt her neck very wet due to Chaeryeong's tears.

" i-i "

Chaeryeong snuffled while Yeji caressing her head and looking at the younger with sad eyes.

" I guess she's more into her than me " Chaeryeong finished her sentence then cried again.

Yeji sighed then she saw Ryujin walked out of the cafe then hopped into her car and drove away.

Yeji felt pity for Chaeryeong and confused on Ryujin's relationship with her sister.

Is this true?? Ryujin has move on already??  Yeji thought.

The older was spacing out then got snapped back to reality bcuz of a soft snuffle that Chaeryeong just made. She then brought her back to her own car.

" Come on, let's go home and have some ice cream, ok " Yeji said with a soft tone.

Chaeryeong just nodded then they both walked together to Chaeryeong's car.

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